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    Title: 觸控式媒介的情感體驗研究:以使用智慧型手機為例
    Affective Experiences on Haptic Media: The Case of Using Flat Interface on Smart Phones
    Authors: 潘雪
    Pan, Xue
    Contributors: 蔡琰
    Tsai, Yean
    Pan, Xue
    Keywords: 觸覺
    human-computer interaction
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-07-01 11:14:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在媒介形式的不斷變化下,人與媒介互動的方式也在不斷調整。觸控式媒介因其平面化的介面形式,令使用者的使用方式和感官感受發生了變化。本研究以人們操作平面化介面為例,意圖了解新的媒介形式是怎樣在與人們的互動中,帶來新的獲得情感經驗的渠道,目的是描繪出新媒體時代下,符合使用者與科技物之間「使用」與「情感」雙線互動的新方式。
    The interaction between human and media is constantly changing while the form of media has changed. Digitalization of buttons has increased the trend of transforming extrusions into flat surfaces, especially in smart phones. The transformation of haptic media and communication systems has already happened, but that it unfolded so gradually that it largely escaped the notice of media scholars.
    This research examines haptics and its significance from a perspective of affect study. Through a qualitative research of interviewing 10 subjects , the results show that the new theoretical connotation of the "usag" and "affection" reveals two-line interactions between users and haptic media. Additionally, this study also leads us to think continuously on the relationship between human body, affection, and technology. in order to inspire insightful further research.
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