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    題名: 「我寫故我在」 —— 年輕女性社群媒體之憂鬱貼文實踐
    `I write;therefore, I exist.`: the practice of posting and deleting melancholic post among young women
    作者: 周妏蔆
    Chou, Wen-Ling
    貢獻者: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei-Wei
    Chou, Wen-Ling
    關鍵詞: 社群媒體
    Social media
    Gender melancholia
    日期: 2019
    上傳時間: 2019-07-01 11:14:21 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究主欲瞭解年輕生理女性如何理解並透過社群網站之情緒書寫過程中詮釋自身的憂鬱情緒經驗以及他們獨特的發文以及刪文策略。並且透過內在自我反思的文字產出過程,探討年輕生理女性之間在電腦中介溝通(Computer-mediated Communication, CMC)之網路空間中,透過社群媒體自我揭露憂鬱情緒所帶來之療癒效果,以及年輕女性接收到的回饋,會如何影響其於社群媒體中的情緒貼文發表,和已發表貼文之處置。


    This research aims to find out how young women interpret their own emotions of melancholy and how they are cultivated into using various tactics to express melancholy through posting/deleting on Instagram in a savvy way. By conducting the reflective process of writing down the event and the emotion it caused, the researcher eagers to discover whether it can achieve therapeutic effect by such expressive writing in a Computer-mediated Communication environment. Furthermore, after the young women post it, the follow-up action, such as deleting and archiving to the post will be discussed. And this research mainly focuses on how the feedback from others can have a certain impact on the post.

    In-depth interview is conducted to collect and probe into the experience of young women on Instagram, especially the behavior of posting and deleting of the content that bears the emotion of melancholy. The result shows that, if they were to purge away their melancholy, posting about it will certainly help, yet it comes in limited effect due to the negative feedback following by the expressive words of the post. In a long run, this leads to young women to delete the post afterwards and gradually become a rooted habit.

    Finding also addresses that, accumulative negative feedbacks from others are the significant motive for young women to delete their post. However, the archive function gives the young women a room to breathe, blurring the boundary of only posting and deleting. By using the function adequately, they can avoid the unnecessary prying and attentions from both online and offline. What’s more, by utilizing their technology skills, they are able to forge their own public image and most importantly, finding ways to emancipate the melancholy by implementing the tactics of their own.
    參考文獻: 陸 參考文獻
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464046
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.013.2019.F05
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