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    Title: 消費者資源消耗程度對限時特賣購買影響之研究
    The effect of consumer ego depletion on buying behaviors in time-limited-promotional situation
    Authors: 吳幸儀
    Wu, Hsing-Yi
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Wu, Hsing-Yi
    Keywords: 限時特賣
    Time-limited promotion
    Ego depletion
    Purchase intention
    Time pressure
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-07-01 11:12:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在競爭的電子商務市場中,每家幾乎都看得到限時特賣的身影,限時特賣以折扣機會流逝的壓力,讓消費者產生機不可失的感覺,加強消費者購買慾望的發生,在本身克制衝動購買的能力不足之情況下,消費者衝動購買的行為便會發生。

    本研究之目的主要探討消費者於心理資源耗竭的情況下,對限時特賣購買 之影響,並加入限時所引發的時間壓力感進行討論。本研究採用 Pocheptsova, Amir, Dhar, and Baumeister(2009)所提出消費者於資源消耗下的決策模式,並加 入時間壓力形成研究模型。研究對象為近期(以問卷發放的一星期為基準)使用 過限時特賣的消費者,並以網路問卷的方式蒐集資料,發放時間為 2019 年 5 月 12 日至 19 日,共蒐集到 254 份有效問卷。本研究變數包含「資源耗竭」、「直 覺反應」、「購買意願」及「時間壓力」,並以驗證性因素分析檢驗潛在變項與觀 察變項之關係,並以路徑分析檢驗潛在變項之關係。

    In the era of competitive e-commerce market, timed-limited promotions exist in almost every e-commerce platform. MOMO launches five timed-limited promotions every day, while SHOPEE has four. Even book e-commerce platform, book.com launches the time-limited promotions. All these cases indicate that time-limited promotion becomes a key issue in the e-commerce market. By using the sales countdown timer, time-limited promotion causes time pressure on consumers’ perception of the sales. Consumers tend to feel they could never lose the chance, which enhance their purchasing desire. Under consumers’ inability to self-control their urge to buy impulsively, an impulsive purchase may occur.

    This study aims to discuss the effect of consumer ego depletion on their buying behaviors in time-limited promotions. Meanwhile, the discussion of time pressure is also included in this study. The research applies the model of Ego Depletion presented in Pocheptsova, Amir, Dhar, and Baumeister(2009) thesis. The method to carry out this study was using an online survey. The subjects were the recent participants in time- limited promotions. 254 valid questionnaires were collected from 2019/5/12 to 5/19. The variables in this study includes “Ego Depletion”, “Intuitive Reaction”, “Purchasing Intention” and “Time Pressure”. The study used a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Path Analysis to examine discuss the relations among the variables.

    The result shows that the higher the degree of ego depletion, the higher tendency the consumers would apply intuitive reaction and hence, raises their purchase intention. The study also finds out that time pressure would make no differences on either consumers’ intuitive reaction and or their purchase intention.
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