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    Title: 人工智慧生成作品之著作權問題研究
    Copyright issues associated with Artificial Intelligence-Generated Works
    Authors: 郭建甫
    Kuo, Chien-Fu
    Contributors: 李治安

    Lee, Jyh-An
    Sung, Huang-Chih

    Kuo, Chien-Fu
    Keywords: 人工智慧
    artificial intelligence
    Artificial intelligence-generated works
    Computer-generated works
    A.I. copyright
    A.I. infringement
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-07-01 11:10:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人工智慧的浪潮在這幾年席捲全世界,在這幾年全世界也開始對於人工智慧有越來越多法律上的爭議,其中包含對著作權、專利權制度的衝擊、人工智慧的民事責任、個資保護的相關議題等等,而本文欲聚焦討論之問題即為人工智慧經訓練後而可進行創作之著作權問題。在世界各國,尤其是美國、歐洲、澳大利亞等國,自電腦問世以來,便對於電腦生成之作品有為數眾多之探討,然而技術進步快速,人工智慧生成之作品於技術上已與傳統電腦生成作品有所差異,因此,本文對於現今之人工智慧之技術亦會進行相關部分的介紹。
    In recent years, our lives are filled with artificial intelligence systems. Artificial intelligence systems are way better than the concept “computer” that people used to know; they are creative, independent, autonomous, rational, evolving. As a result, the world has begun to have more and more legal disputes over artificial intelligence. In all those legal issues, this paper will focus on the copyright issues related with artificial intelligence-generated works.
    Since it is way too easy to let a well-trained artificial intelligence generate creative works independently, the use of artificial intelligence, exercising varying degrees of autonomy, in the production of works, either for personal or manufacturing purposes, has become common. Despite this progress, there is a concern in modern society about artificial intelligence technology might getting out of control. Therefore, there is a call for social and legal tools for controlling artificial intelligence systems’ functions and outcomes.
    This paper addresses the question of the risk of infringement that may occur when training artificial intelligence, the copyrightability of artificial intelligence-generated works, and who should enjoy the benefits of copyright protection for, as well as be responsible for the infringement of rights and damages caused by artificial intelligence generated works. This paper presents several options, arguing against the imposition of these rights and responsibilities on the artificial intelligence themselves, developers, or on the user of the artificial intelligence systems. In the conclusion part, this paper will summarize the above-mentioned analysis, and also suggest some possible ways of reform warranting deeper exploration.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102364216
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.012.2019.F08
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