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    Title: 幼兒園園長領導相關研究之後設分析-整合文獻計量方法之應用
    A Study of Director’s Leadership in Preschools: Combining Bibliometric Approach and Meta-analysis
    Authors: 張攸萍
    Chang, Yu-Ping
    Contributors: 吳政達

    Chang, Yu-Ping
    Keywords: 幼兒園
    Director’s leadership
    Bibliometric approach
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-07-01 11:06:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究基於對幼兒園園長領導研究重要性之體悟,以系統性文獻回顧園長領導相關研究之期刊論文及碩博士論文,並參酌各資料庫學術影響力之分析指標與單篇文章計量之指標模塊。考量質量上與方法上的健全性,本研究改良傳統後設分析之權重指標評估,整合文獻計量與後設分析方法,透過研究者自訂的質量評定系統,將資料庫的品質與單篇文獻的影響力納入計算,對每一項研究的貢獻度進行彈性加權,共採納38篇園長領導之相關研究,探究園長領導與學校類型和教師類型變項之關聯性,以得出幼兒園園長領導研究之全貌。
    The present study analyzes the importance of director`s leadership in preschools, based on a systematic review method and field research studies consultation, it takes into account the academic impact of databases and altmetric indicators on single publications. Moreover, to improve research quality and methodology, this research combines bibliometric approach and meta-analysis. Through the use of an academic quality evaluation system, the quality of databases and the achievements of single publications are all included in the effect size calculation. The research data were collected from 38 related doctoral or master theses and journals, and through these references, this study discusses the relation between director`s leadership and other variables, and at the same time, it provides a wide-ranging review.
    The main findings of this research are: (1) there is a highly positive relationship between director`s leadership and school effectiveness, and between the first and the organization climate; on the other hand, although organization culture has a significant relation, its effects remain low. (2) From the point of view of teachers` professional variables, director’s leadership has a highly positive effect on job satisfaction and professional commitment, and a moderate positive effect on job involvement, organization commitments and teaching effectiveness. (3) From the perspective of teachers’ psychological variables, director’s leadership has a moderate positive effect on emotional labor, on teacher’s well-being instead, although has an important connection, its effects are modest.
    Furthermore, tests of homogeneity indicate that significant variations in effect size are the result of the leadership style and the research location moderating effects. The leadership approach is the variable that moderates the effect size of director’s leadership and school effectiveness, and it emerges that a “directors` servant leadership” bring to a school effectiveness stronger than in presence of other approaches. On the other hand, leadership approach factor influences director’s leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness, it appears that a “directors` paternalistic leadership” is stronger than other approach. In addition, the research location has also a sensible influence on the correlation between the effect size of director’s leadership and organization climate, and between the first and organization commitment. The results of director’s leadership and other variables is stronger in middle regions of Taiwan than in the northern regions, but the results of the last are better than in southern regions, by the way, all of them recorded a positive and significant effect.
    Finally, according to the conclusion, this study proposes suggestions for leadership practice application and future research.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105152512
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900069
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