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Title: | 台灣壽險業業務招攬爭議分析 Analyses on the consumer disputes in the life insurance industry of Taiwan |
Authors: | 葉昇榮 Yeh, Sheng-Jung |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 Tsai, Cheng-Hsien 葉昇榮 Yeh, Sheng-Jung |
Keywords: | 非理賠爭議 業務招攬爭議 保險銷售通路 壽險商品 Complaint ratio Distribution Life-insurance product Panel Data regression |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-07-01 10:49:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,台灣民眾壽險保障意識逐年上升為壽險業提供成長的重要動能;同時,申訴案件及業務招攬爭議案件的逐年增加,也值得壽險業在成長的過程中審慎地看待並制定出適當的策略。 本研究同時進行兩種分析方法,首先參考過去文獻藉由迴歸模型的方式找出影響非理賠申請評議率的重要變數;再透過評議中心的評議決定書分析,找出實務上具體影響招攬爭議的架構;最後結合兩種分析方式,得到關鍵的影響因素。 採用涵蓋2014年到2018年的壽險業相關資料作為樣本,進行迴歸模型分析。結果發現「傳統型保險商品」與非理賠申請評議率具有統計上顯著的負相關,表示銷售越多的傳統型壽險將有助於降低非理賠申請評議率;「投資型保險商品」則具有統計上顯著的正相關,表示銷售越多的投資型壽險商品將使得非理賠申請評議率上升。並發現「銷售通路」變數在本次研究中無法證明會對非理賠申請評議率有顯著的影響,最主要的影響變數以商品種類為主。 壽險業招攬爭議評議決定書分析發現,就通路而言「沒有所述之承諾」和「僅論利率或好處」是容易造成業務招攬爭議的原因;就商品而言「沒有說明、詢問或提供重要事項」和「重要文件內容非自行勾選或簽名確認」也是不可忽視的重要因素。 透過上述兩種方法找出具體影響壽險業招攬爭議的原因,提供給台灣壽險公司作為未來制定教育訓練及策略擬定的參考資料。 Nowadays, the raise awareness of life insurances has been provided the crucial driven to the increasing sales of life insurance products in Taiwan. However, the strategies should be guardedly inspected and reformulated since compliant cases and disputes of insurance solicitation also have significant growth. To enhance the solicitation quality in Taiwanese life insurance industry, the present paper will investigate the triggers to the insurance contract disputes in Taiwan. In this study, the data were collected from the Financial Ombudsman Institution, the Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China and the Taiwan Insurance Institute, which includes the cases from over 21 life insurance companies in Taiwan between 2014 and 2018. Panel Data regression is adopted to explore the effect of 21 variables on the non-claim compliant ratio. Results show that the more traditional life-insurance products are sold, the lower non-claim complaint ratio will be processed. Bancassurance and general brokerage agency did not have strong relationships with the non-claim complaint ratio while the sales of the investment-linked insurances are showed to have a positive correlation with it. What’s more, not delivering promises and only mentioning the advantages of insurance products are proven to be the crucial reasons which lead to disputes by adopting the document analysis. To be more specific, the information should be transparent and fully provided to the customers. The insurance contract must be confirmed and sign under the applicant’s hand instead of an insurance specialist’s. Finally, the study provides advice for the life insurance companies in Taiwan to develop marketing strategies, to create employee training as well as to offer a higher insurance solicitation quality. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險學系 106358008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106358008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900011 |
Appears in Collections: | [風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文
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