題名: | 基於兩詞彙的序列關係建造非監督式 SeqWORDS 斷詞方法 SeqWORDS: an unsupervised Chinese segmentation method using relationship of two consecutive words. |
作者: | 吳冠輝 Wu, Guan-Hui |
貢獻者: | 薛慧敏 Hsueh, Huey-Miin 吳冠輝 Wu, Guan-Hui |
關鍵詞: | 中文斷詞 文本探勘 動態規劃法 文字詞典模型 EM演算法 詞彙序列關係 Chinese texts mining Dynamic programming EM algorithm Word dictionary model Words dependency Word segmentation |
日期: | 2019 |
上傳時間: | 2019-07-01 10:43:44 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 由於中文文本中的詞彙之間沒有任何標記或空格,所以斷詞被認為是中文文本探勘前必要且重要的預處理步驟。而目前中文斷詞方法多屬監督式方法,當沒有適當的詞典時難以發揮,例如針對新世代的文章或特定專業領域的文本。Deng等人在2016年提出非監督式斷詞方法TopWORDS,利用文字詞典模型(Word D ictionary Model, WDM)建構文本之概似函數,並且將斷詞資訊當作遺失變數,以EM演算法估計出各詞彙的使用機率,更利用動態規劃法(dynamic programm ing)計算,除了運算上相當具有效率,TopWORDS應用在許多文本上有良好的結果。然而,TopWORDS假設文本中每個位置的詞彙獨立且分配相同,這樣的假設恐怕忽略了詞彙在文意上的相連。此研究假設每個詞彙出現的概率與前一個詞彙有關,因此文本的概似函數可表示為兩詞彙的序列關係的函數,故將此研究提出的方法稱為「SeqWORDS」。在運用三種不同斷詞法於紅樓夢文本上後,我們觀察到 SeqWORDS雖然在探索新詞彙的能力較弱,然而當接續使用文本探勘工具如詞向量分析後發現,SeqWORDS 能提供最佳的解釋性。 Unlike alphabet-based language, there exists no space between words in Chinese corpus. The first step in Chinese text mining is to segment words in a sentence. Many existing segmentation methods are supervised in terms of requiring an adequate dictionary. However, Chinese language has developed so long and growing so fast. A suitable dictionary may not be available or easily accessed. In 2016, Deng et al. proposed an unsupervised method called “TopWORDS”, which needs no dictionary in hand. The authors derived the likelihood function of the corpus via word dictionary model (WDM). Further, they regard unknown segmentation information as missing data and utilize EM algorithm to estimate occurrence probability of words. To enhance computational efficiency, the estimates are computed by dynamic programming. In the article, the TopWORDS is found to perform well in several corpus. However, the iid assumption of TopWORDS ignores words dependency, which frequently occurs in consecutive words. Therefore, in this research we assume that a word’s occurrence depends on previous one and modify the TopWORDS method. By considering the sequential association of consecutive words, the proposed method is named “SeqWORDS”. The new method and two other existing methods are evaluated by their performance on the famous classical novel Story-of-Stone. We find that SeqWORDS is less capable to find new, rare words and is much time consuming. However, when we further implement some advance text mining analysis on the segmented corpus, the segmented corpus by SeqWORDS produces the most reasonable, interpretable results. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 統計學系 106354027 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106354027 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900115 |
顯示於類別: | [統計學系] 學位論文
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