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Title: | 青少年初期至晚期心理健康發展軌跡與教養方式的影響之縱貫性研究 A longitudinal study of developmental trajectory of mental health from early to late adolescence and the impact of parenting |
Authors: | 江守峻 Chiang, Shou-Chun |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 Chen, Wan-Chen 江守峻 Chiang, Shou-Chun |
Keywords: | 青少年 心理健康 教養方式 縱貫研究 臺灣青少年成長歷程研究 Adolescent Mental health Parenting Longitudinal study Taiwan Youth Project |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-06-03 13:06:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去研究顯示,青少年時期的心理健康有其重要性。然而,臺灣尚未有學者探討青少年初期至晚期之心理健康發展變化,以及教養方式對於心理健康之影響關係。有鑑於此,本研究旨在探討三個研究議題。第一,青少年初期至晚期的心理健康發展軌跡為何?第二,不同教養方式與背景因素對於青少年心理健康之影響程度為何?第三,青少年心理健康之影響因素是否存在著性別差異? 資料來源為中央研究院的臺灣青少年成長歷程研究(Taiwan Youth Project, TYP),共使用第一波至第六波的長期追蹤資料,以第一波的2,690位青少年為研究對象,樣本年齡自國中一年級開始直到高中三年級,涵蓋整個青少年時期。資料分析主要採用潛在成長模型與多群組分析。研究結果發現:1.青少年心理健康發展軌跡係一非線性趨勢,成長曲線呈現S型。2.青少年憂鬱症狀的起始狀態與成長速率存在著個別差異,且起始狀態與成長速率之間為正相關。3.青少年憂鬱症狀有自我迴歸現象,前一波憂鬱程度較高者,之後憂鬱症狀會逐波成長,顯示青少年憂鬱有愈來愈惡化的情況。4.教養方式中,嚴厲教養會提高憂鬱症狀的起始狀態與成長速率,而關愛支持與監控管教僅有助於降低憂鬱症狀的起始狀態。5.背景因素中,社經地位不會影響憂鬱症狀,但學業表現會提高憂鬱症狀的起始狀態與成長速率。6.監控管教、嚴厲教養與學業表現對憂鬱症狀起始狀態之影響效果存在著性別差異,對女性青少年影響程度高於男性。 最後,依據上述研究結果,本研究針對實務工作與未來研究提出具體建議,以供相關教育工作者、助人工作者與後續研究者之參考。 Previous studies emphasized the importance of adolescent mental health. However, there is no scholar focusing on adolescent mental health in Taiwan, and the long-term impacts of parenting on adolescents’ mental health. In the light of this, the paper aimed to explore three research issues: What’s the developmental trajectory of mental health from early to late adolescence? What’s the influence of parenting and contextual factors on adolescents’ mental health? Do gender differences exist in the relationships between influential factors and mental health? Using the data of Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) conducted by Academia Sinica, this study employed the panel data from the first wave to the sixth wave. Participants included 2,690 adolescents from the first-grade of junior high school to the third-grade of high school covering the entire adolescence. Results indicated: 1. Developmental trajectory of adolescent mental health is a nonlinear growth curve, and the level of depressive symptoms is similar to S curve. 2. There are significant individual differences in both of initial status and growth rate among adolescents, and initial status and growth rate are positive related. 3. The depressive symptoms are autoregressive, the higher depression from the previous wave, the higher growth in depression of later waves, which reveals the adolescent depression getting worse and worse over time. 4. In parenting, harsh discipline has significant positive effects on the initial status and growth rate of depressive symptoms. On the other hand, parental support and parental monitoring have significant positive effects only on the initial status of depressive symptoms. 5. In contextual factors, Socioeconomic Status has no significant effects on the initial status and growth rate of depressive symptoms. But, academic performance has significant positive effects on the initial status and growth rate of depressive symptoms. 6. The influences of parental monitoring, harsh discipline, and academic performance on the initial status of depressive symptoms exist gender differences, the influences on female adolescents are higher than male adolescents. In conclusion, the study discussed the implications of the results and provided suggestions on education practices and future researches. |
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