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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/123673
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    Title: 以使用者經驗為中心之遠距健康照護科技接受模式之研究 -以竹山秀傳醫院遠距健康照護中心為例
    The Research into User Experience-Centered Technology Acceptance Model of Telehealth Care -The Case of ChuShang Show Chwan Hospital Telehealth Care Center
    Authors: 斯維雯
    Szu, Wei-Wen
    Contributors: 姜國輝
    Chiang, Johannes K.
    Szu, Wei-Wen
    Keywords: 遠距健康照護
    Telehealth care
    User experience
    Technology acceptance model
    Willingness to pay
    Partial Least Square
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-06-03 13:03:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國於2018年進入高齡社會,為達到健康老化、成功老化之目的,遠距健康照護成為政府重大施政目標之一。中老齡長者及慢性患者是否採用遠距健康照護是遠距健康照護成功與否的領先指標,惟現行實施存在一些問題,一是使用者對新科技之使用,二是使用者付費問題。如何以使用者經驗為中心了解問題原因,促使使用者加入或持續使用遠距健康照護服務,是本研究重點。本研究設定之目的有三(1)探討使用者經驗如何透過科技接受模式驗證影響使用者之使用意願(2)現有使用者及潛在使用者的使用意願有何不同(3)探討付費與否如何影響使用意願。
    We have entered the aging society in 2018. For the purpose of achieving healthy aging and successful aging, telehealth care has become one of the major government goals. Whether elderly patients and chronic patients adopt telehealth care is the leading indicator of the success of telehealth care. However, there are some problems in the current implementation. One is the use of new technology and the other is user payment. The research focus on understanding the cause of the problems based on user experience and encouraging users to join or continue to use telehealth care services. The purposes of this study are (1) how user experience affects the user`s willingness to use telehealth care services through TAM verification (2) differences in willingness of existing users and potential users to use telehealth care services (3) how the payment will affect the willingness to use telehealth care services.
    This study focuses on user experience and uses the user experience facets (value, innovation, accessibility, trust) of telehealth care services as external variables of the technology acceptance model to explore how user experience affects perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use and then affect the intention to use and continuous usage.
    The study object was the users (originally did not pay for the services) and potential users of the Chu Shang Show Chwan Hospital Telehealth Care Center. 806 valid users were surveyed. The conclusions are (1) From the perspective of user experience, to enhance the user`s intention to use, it is recommended to enhance the telehealth care functions to existing users and educate potential users to be familiar with telehealth care services. (2) As of payment issue toward existing users, as long as payment is required, existing users would reject to use no matter how much it costs. (3) As of payment issue toward potential users, it is recommended to allocate resources on educating potential users who are willing to pay to enhance the ease of using telehealth care services. Besides, it is recommended to reduce investment in supplementary services.
    The implications of this research are (1) user experience facets as external variables of technology acceptance model (2) consideration of the user experience of overall telehealth care services design rather than that of single product (3) the willingness to pay for the technology acceptance model (4) the cause of behavioral intention differences between existing users and potential users. The applications are (1) to understand the factors which affect the use of telehealth care services (2) to correct current practices by user experience-centered to transform current practices (3) promotion and training practices.
    Reference: 中文部分

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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102356501
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.MIS.003.2019.A05
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