Abstract: | 中國自1978年年底改革開放啟動以來,不僅其經濟增長速度很高,而且也很快的轉型為市場經濟,融入全球經濟活動,並於近十年間成為帶動全球經濟成長的引擎,但也面對全球知識經濟時代的來臨與挑戰。因此,中國也逐步建置與執行知識產權法制。然而,這個過程雖援引了許多工業國家法律和實務,卻也迷思於其中,甚至不知覺地被引入「知識產權殖民地」,將嚴重影響中國產業發展的自主性與在全球經濟的地位。因之,本文嘗試探討中國知識產權戰略,改造傳統知識產權保護觀念,創新知識資本專業服務,耕耘知識產權基礎環境,執行知識資本配套制度,並完善民事訴訟制度,進而使一件中國專利等於或大於一件美國專利的經濟價值,同時建立中國企業知識資本新經營策略,對等的參與全球經濟競爭並持續的維持競爭優勢。 The inception of the open policy since late 1978 has not only led to significant progress in economy for China, but also has transformed China to a market economy in the world economy. This has been one of the primary driving forces for the growth of global economy for the last 10 years. Recognizing the challenge posed by the globalization of knowledge economy, China began to initiate measures to implement legal protection of intellectual property rights, largely by adopting existing legal practices from industrialized countries. Unless adopted to the needs of Chinese industry, these efforts to implement intellectual property protection could inadvertently lead to a |