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    Title: 在印度、菲律賓和美國的自由職業者成功之關鍵因素
    Key Success Factors of Freelance Success in India, Philippines and United States
    Authors: 李琦瓏
    Li, Nichele Cassandra Chiang
    Contributors: 林月雲
    Lin, Yeh-Yun
    Li, Nichele Cassandra Chiang
    Keywords: 自由職業
    Human capital
    Social capital
    Personal capital
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-05-02 14:48:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在過去, 提到自由職業者,人們總是只與創作領域的工作聯繫在一起, 並普遍認為是相對低技能、低薪水工作的代表。現在, 他們顯然已經處於創業經濟的中心, 正是由於現代企業對員工培訓的投入減少, 所以越來越多的企業開始在其他地方尋找能夠滿足它們對特定技能的需求的自由職業者。有鑑於此, 本文探討了有助於印度、菲律賓和美國自由職業者成功的各種因素。這三個國家被認為是世界上前十名的自由職業者國家之一。本文採用被認為可預測個人職業發展和成功的三個資本,分別是:人力、社會和個人資本。經過本文的研究,確定了對受訪者職業成功的影響因素。研究結果如下所示:
    1. 個人資本中所包含的『職業見解』和『職業韌性』是所有三個國家普遍成功的最主要預測因素。2. 包括『教育』、『培訓』和『工作經驗』在內的人力資本是印度受訪者普遍成功的因素。3. 個人資本是菲律賓受訪者取得從普遍和主觀兩個方面的成功的主要因素。4. 此三個資本對美國受訪者普遍上的成功沒有產生重大影響。
    In the past, freelancers have always been merely associated in the creative fields, and were generally perceived as less skilled, lower priced substitutes of employees. Now, they are at the center of an entrepreneurial economy, where modern businesses are investing less in training, and are looking elsewhere to fill their demand for specific skillsets. In light of this, this study examined the various factors that contribute to the success of freelancers in India, Philippines and United States —three countries that are considered to be among the top ten freelance countries of the world. Three capitals that were argued to predict career development and success among individuals were human, social, and personal capital. Tests were performed in order to determine their impact on the career success of the respondents. Results are as follows:
    1. Personal capital in the form of career insight and career resilience, was the most dominant predictor of general success in all three countries. 2. Human capital, which consists of education, training, and work experiences, is a predictor of general success among Indian respondents. 3. Personal capital is a predictor of both general and subjective career successes among Filipino respondents. 4. None of the three capitals had a significant impact on the general success of American respondents.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053631171
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.021.2019.F08
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