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    Title: 新加坡產業創新的挑戰: 以裕廊集團為例
    The challenges of Industrial Innovation in Singapore: A case study of JTC Corporation
    Authors: 王婉萱
    Wang, Wan-Hsun
    Contributors: 楊昊
    Yang, Hao
    Wang, Wan-Hsun
    Keywords: 產業創新
    Industrial innovation
    Industrial transformation
    System of innovation
    JTC Corporation
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-05-02 14:44:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討新加坡如何在全球化與經濟自由化浪潮的洪流中,持續扮演產業升級的區域領銜者。早在冷戰時期,全球經濟成長與技術轉型浪潮仍在醞釀之際,新加坡已採取各種創新舉措來力行產業轉型並推進經濟成長。過去星國政府將園區作為產業創新與轉型的工具,打造新加坡持續作為亞太創新基地的目標,並且進一步累積創新能量於全球繼續領先。

    為了進一步探討新加坡的產業創新發展動力,本論文應用Charles Edquist的「創新系統」(System of Innovation, SI)中政策、制度、網絡與組織等各項元素來解釋新加坡政府如何以產業轉型推動國家經濟並追求競爭優勢,同時進一步分析其政府的創新策略及其對於產業升級的助益,以及其可能面臨的產業轉型挑戰。在個案分析方面,本研究以裕廊集團(JTC Corporation)為例,除了檢視新加坡政府藉由提供政策誘因(policy incentives)和創新的制度設計(institutional setting)鼓勵產業園區的發展來吸引國際人才進駐、產業投資,並進而帶動經濟成長的成效外,更希望從中探討「創新」對於新加坡在亞太區域輸出其園區經驗的策略意涵。
    The purpose of this study is to explore how Singapore continues to play a regional leader in industrial upgrading in the torrent of globalization and economic liberalization. As early as the Cold War, when the global economic growth and technological transformation wave is still brewing, Singapore has taken various innovative measures to transform the industry and promote economic growth. In the past, the government of Singapore accumulated innovative energy through utilizing industrial estates as a tool for industrial innovation and transformation, hoping to achieve the goal of Singapore continuing to be the innovation hub in Asia-Pacific.
    To further explore the dynamics of innovative development in Singapore, this paper applies the elements, including policy, institution, organization and interactive network in Charles Edquist`s System of Innovation (SI) to explain how the Singapore government promotes the national economy and pursues competitive advantages through industrial transformation. It further analyzes the government`s innovation strategies and its benefits for industrial upgrading, as well as the challenges of industrial innovation the government may face.
    This paper takes JTC Corporation as the case study to examine how the Singapore government encourages the development of innovative industrial parks by providing policy incentives and institutional setting to attract international talents. In addition to industrial investment and the effectiveness of economic growth, it also hopes to explore the strategic implications of Singapore exporting its experiences of establishing industrial estates in the Asia-Pacific region.
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    新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)官方網站,上網日期:2018年11月15日,檢自: www.a-star.edu.sg
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105261017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIDS.004.2019.F09
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Development Studies] Theses

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