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    Title: 國家通訊傳播委員會的變與不變—以訴願管轄權與組織變革為中心
    The change and unchanging of National Communications Commission ─ with the jurisdiction of the administrative appeals and organizational changes as the central pillar.
    Authors: 劉容寧
    Liu, Jung-Ning
    Contributors: 彭芸
    Peng, Yun
    Liu, Jung-Ning
    Keywords: 國家通訊傳播委員會
    National Communications Commission
    Independent agency
    The jurisdiction of the administrative appeals
    National Communications Commission Organization Act
    Administrative appeal act
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-04-01 15:13:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   國家通訊傳播委員會(下稱通傳會)於2006年設立後,先後因為人事任命權與訴願管轄權歸屬,獨立性受到限縮,引發不少爭議。然而通傳會創設至今(2018)已逾12年,隨著科技變革、產業變遷與政黨輪替等原因,通傳會在法規與實務運作上多有調整。
      After the establishment of the National Communications Commission (NCC) in 2006, the independence of the authority has been restricted due to the appointment of personnel and the jurisdiction of the administrative appeals. This has caused many controversies. However, NCC has existed for more than 12 years since 2006. With several reasons, such as the technical development, industrial changes and the party alternation, NCC has adjusted its own regulations and practices many times.
      This study summarizes the discussion on independent institutions from the view of the eastern and western scholars, and proposes four independent indicators including the appointment of the NCC’s head, financial independence, organizational autonomy and the veto power of administrative sanctions. With the general interview guidance approach, I interview three the administrative officers and three office officers. The aim of the interview is to discuss the independence of the NCC based on the development of NCC`s appeal jurisdiction and its organizational change. The content of the interview is divided into three parts. First, it is the independence of the NCC under the current regulation. Second, it is the controversy, development and improvement for future needs in the jurisdiction of the administrative appeals. At last, the part is about the goal that NCC has to work on in the future.
      In the interview, two interviewees, one administrative officer and one office officer, indicated that it is difficult for NCC to get rid of the political normality under the operation because related to the change in the appointment of executive heads, the unclear function of NCC, the interference for some cases from the Executive Yuan and the lack of budgets. However, they emphasized that the independent trial of cases is still important, which cannot be compromised. Hence, the practice on the jurisdiction of the administrative appeals and Article 117 of the Administrative Procedure Law become the key issue for the independent exercise of NCC’s power.
      Since the current provisions of the three laws on radio and television have been amended, people may directly file an administrative lawsuit if they do not accept the administrative sanctions imposed by the NCC. However, due to the design of the legislative system, there are many different opinions in NCC for the application to the Telecommunications Act within the scope of the communication, which leaves a question for its implementation in the future.
      As for NCC’s future, most interviewees support that the NCC authority should be adjusted. For the question that whether NCC returns to the traditional bureaucracy, the discussion on it is still ongoing. Whatever NCC’s organizational system in the future looks like, the fairness and justice of the case review is still the priority.
    Reference: 第一節、 外文文獻

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.010.2019.F05
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