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Title: | 習近平對台政策之研究 The research of Xi Jinping`s policy toward Taiwan |
Authors: | 林笏逵 Lin, Huh-Kuei |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 林笏逵 Lin, Huh-Kuei |
Keywords: | 大陸對台政策 兩岸關係 習近平 Taiwan policy Cross-strait relations Xi Jinping |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-04-01 15:09:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 大陸領導人習近平就任後,將「一中原則」和「反獨」視為重要原則,也期盼能在任內就兩岸「和平統一」有實質進展,以完成「中國夢」之總體戰略目標。又因當前蔡英文政府並無法正面承認「九二共識」,因此兩岸官方互動呈現躊躇不前的狀態,大陸方面表示,蔡英文政府必須承認「九二共識」並認同「一中」核心實質內容,方能重新開啟兩岸官方的來往。而影響習近平對台政策與戰略之因素,除大陸的崛起、國際環境外,台灣執政者對兩岸關係的重要主張及對兩岸政治基礎的態度,均有重大的影響。台灣在此詭譎多變又複雜的兩岸情勢下,究竟該如何找出新的活路?值得深思與研究。 而習近平對台策略就是軟硬兼施的兩手策略,軟得更軟,硬的更硬,習近平一再強調兩岸和平統一、一國兩制,以及提出惠台31項措施,將台灣人才掏空至大陸,這就是「軟的更軟」,再利用軍事武力對台造成有形無形的心理恐嚇,這就是「硬的更硬」但面對台灣不同的領導人,亦採取不同對待方式及差別待遇。正因大陸國力不斷增強,使得習近平對台的思維及策略,會更顯靈活的彈性運用。大陸更有能量繼續堅持「和平統一、一國兩制」方針,堅持一個中國原則和「九二共識」,堅決反對任何形式的「台獨」分裂圖謀,努力實踐「兩岸一家親」理念,推動兩岸關係和平發展,推進和平統一進程,實現「兩個一百年」為奮鬥目標。 大陸已是世界強權,其思維與政策總是細緻實用,而有效達到政策目標。反觀,台灣的處境無比的艱難,準此,台灣就該比大陸之政策更彈性的適時調整,方能確保自身利益與力求生存之道。 Xi Jinping, the China mainland leader, has regarded the "one-China principle" and "anti-independence" as an important principle after taking office and has expected also that he could fulfill the substantial development on "peaceful unification" between the two sides of the strait during his term of office in order to complete the overall strategic goal of the China Dream. Currently because the Presently Tsai ing-wen government is positively not able to recognize the "92 Consensus" that the official interaction for the two sides of the strait has been in a situation of hesitation. The mainland said that the official contact of two sides of the strait will renew to do dealings until the Tsai ing-wen government must recognize the "92 Consensus" and agree with the core substantial content of one China. However, In addition to the rise of the mainland and the international environment, the decisive factors of Xi Jinping`s Taiwan policy and strategy have been greatly influenced by the important claims of Taiwan`s governors on cross-strait relations and attitude toward the political foundation of the two sides. How can we find a new survival way under the treacherous and changeable and complicate cross-strait situation in Taiwan? Be Worth to think deeply and research earnestly. However, Xi Jinping’s strategy toward Taiwan is a two-handed strategy of employing both soft and hard, which soft is more softer and hard is more harder. It is softer which is soft that he has repeatedly emphasized cross-strait peaceful reunification under two systems of one country . and proposed the favor of Taiwan’s measures of thirty one items to select and promote the best talents from Taiwan to the mainland in order to be lack of talents in Taiwan. It is harder which is hard that he has used of military force will cause the visible and invisible psychological intimidation of Taiwanese. Especially when he is in the face of different leaders of Taiwan, the different treatments and differential treatment are also adopted. It is so continuous strengthening of the mainland`s national strength that Xi Jinping`s thinking and strategy on Taiwan will be more flexible application. The mainland has been more ability insisting on the principle of the peaceful reunification under two systems of one country, and the one-China principle and the "92 Consensus", firmly opposing any form of Taiwan independence of the separate plot, striving to practice the conception of cross-strait of one kind family, promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, advancing the process of peaceful reunification and struggling to achieve the goal of two hundred years. The mainland is already a world power which could effectively achieve its policy goals owing to its meticulous and practical thinking and policies. By contrast Taiwan`s situation is extremely difficult. It is reasonable for Taiwan to timely adjust its policy more flexible than the mainland`s policies in order to ensure its own interests and strive for the way of survival.
Keywords: mainland Taiwan policy , cross-strait relations , Xi Jinping |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系戰略與國際事務碩士在職專班 101922021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101922021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.DIPSIS.005.2019.F09 |
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