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    Title: 國際援助和人均生產總值可以促使尼加拉瓜人民遷移至其他國家嗎?
    Can Foreign Assistance and GDP Per Capita Create Potential Migration in Nicaragua?
    Authors: 劉艾德
    Ruben, Lara Gonzalez Eduardo
    Contributors: 如大維
    Lorenzo, David
    Lara Gonzalez Eduardo Ruben
    Keywords: 國際援助
    Linear Regression
    Net ODA
    International assistance
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-03-07 11:47:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: How can two essential indicators create migration?

    Located in Central America, Nicaragua has a history of outward migration despite international economic assistance through international organizations. In this sense, the monetary assistance in the form of Net ODA per capita ideally has a relation in determining and predicting migration. Using STATA software, a possible relation and its level of correlation can be calculated. After a literature review is gathered, the next significant step will be the acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis, that is: Net ODA per capita creates net migration from Nicaragua. Under a multiple linear regression model, a second independent variable will be integrated into the analysis: GDP per capita. Both independent variables represent quantitative indicators that will validate the strength of the analysis.
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