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    Title: 動態競爭下的新創企業技術創新擴散-以Gogoro與光陽電池公版競爭案為例
    Entrepreneurial Technology Innovation Diffusion under Dynamic Competition-A Case Study of Gogoro and Kymco
    Authors: 彭郁庭
    Peng, Yu-Ting
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Peng, Yu-Ting
    Keywords: 動態競爭
    Technology innovation
    AMC analysis
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-03-07 11:10:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 睿能創意(Gogoro Inc.)為台灣少數享譽國際、具潛能之綠色能源新創企業, 成立短短幾年便受到海、內外投資者所青睞,其成功關鍵原因深具企業作為觀摩 學習價值。本研究以睿能創意與燃油機車產業龍頭光陽工業競爭台灣電動機車產 業電池公版規格一案,透過陳明哲教授所提出動態競爭理論察覺-動機-能耐觀點 (AMC 分析法)探究企業競爭對新創企業技術創新擴散的影響。

    過往學者探討技術創新擴散多從靜態、自身資源優化及資源拼湊的角度切入 分析,並未考量企業競爭對手、採納者及創新環境隨時間變化所造成之影響。故 本研究試圖從此缺口切入,採用動態競爭理論分析個案公司間競爭互動的過程探 究對技術創新擴散之影響。本研究最後提出本研究得出以下三點結論:(1)產業新 進者與業內既有廠商間競爭將刺激產業內部創新之動機,產品種類及性能的提升 進而降低創新採納者疑慮加速創新擴散。(2)信賴關係越緊密之創新網絡,能提升 網絡內部訊息之傳遞效率,降低潛在使用者採納創新疑慮加速創新之擴散。(3)創 新本身技術特性、創新採納者之意願及市場環境誘因三者環環相扣互相牽動:創 新優化將提升採納者採納之動機,採納者增加刺激市場環境誘因的提供,而完善 的市場環境誘因又將刺激創新不斷優化,進而加速創新擴散形成ㄧ動態正向循環。
    E-scooter market in Taiwan has grown 2.1% within the last two years and the global e-scooter market has been predicted to grow at least 12.3% from 2017 to 2020. Development of green energy business has become an urgent issue worldwide and Taiwan is no exception. Gogoro Inc, a green energy entrepreneurial business in Taiwan, accounting for 85% of e-scooter market in Taiwan within only 6 years. How Gogoro become a potential corporation in the industry and how it competes with the leading company in the industry provide rich academic research value.

    This research aims to understand the competition between Gogoro and Taiwan’s motorcycle leading company Kymco and how it influences entrepreneurial innovation diffusion from the aspect of dynamic competition. By using an integrated framework of competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry issued by Ming-Jer Chen, we propose three conclusions: (1) Competition between newcomer and industry leader increase the motivation of innovation, industry diversity than proceed the diffusion of technology innovation. (2) Network-based on the foundation of trust increase the efficiency of information flow within the organization, freeing customers from doubts. (3) Innovation optimization increase adopters, adopters than increase the provision of environmental stimuli such as government regulations and complementary products, which then increase the motivation of competition between innovation, accelerating diffusion of innovation and forming a positive cycle.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364125
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.003.2019.F08
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