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Title: | 台灣奧斯卡新聞今昔演變:解析《中國時報》1957-2017 Interpreting Oscar news in Taiwan: a study of China Times (1957-2017) |
Authors: | 鐘承諭 Chung, Cheng-Yu |
Contributors: | 馮建三 Feng, Chien-San 鐘承諭 Chung, Cheng-Yu |
Keywords: | 台灣報業 報紙圖像化 奧斯卡獎 新聞再現 Taiwan`s daily newspaper industry Visual juournalism Academy Awards News representation |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-02-12 16:02:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國片(含港片)佔台灣電影票房比例,從1990年代中後期起,大舉滑落。同時,原已顯著報導美國奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮的本地報紙,似乎也從這個階段開始「錦上添花」,擴大相關再現。
本文以《中國時報》1957至2017年間的奧斯卡獎485篇報導為對象,進行內容與論述分析, 發現報導面積逐年增加,特別是1988年以後隨報禁解除各報篇幅擴增,奧斯卡新聞量更是增加100%以上。
導演李安在2001年與2013年,先後獲得最佳外語片及第二座最佳導演獎,中時報導量比起每年平均多了123%與194%。以其台裔身份,除投入更多報導,相關社論投書亦大幅增加,其內容約有半數集中於其成就與工作動態,人情趣味報導也佔了20%。而享譽國際影壇的台裔身份,也讓全球影迷在李安身上見到中台關係的矛盾。 Domestically made movies (including Hong Kong movies) has generated fewer revenue of all times since mid 1990s, according to the data from Taiwanese annual box office. In the meantime, the blooming Hollywood movie market was powered by a string of Taiwanese press media advertisement. This paper examines 485 Oscar- related articles systemically chosen from Chinatimes between 1957 and 2017. The findings of the study show substantial increase of its media coverage especially after 1998. In 1999, Oscar news had first hit the front page of Chinatimes. Starting 2001, heavier focus was put on visuals than text, implying a new era of visual journalism.
Indeed, the business model of traditional media has evolved to manufacture a consumer culture, blurring the distinction between entertainment and news.
Consequently, issues such as politics, industry-related ideology, gender and race are not getting adequate attention, occupying a mere 6% of the total press coverage.
Meanwhile, Taiwanese-born director Ang Lee has won his second best director Oscar awards in 2013, following his best foreign language film academy award in 2010. The success has again, highlighted political strains existed between China and Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 1044640012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1044640012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.002.2019.F05 |
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