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    Title: 互聯網科技下普惠金融的創新與監理─ 以大數據金融與P2P借貸為例
    The Innovation and Supervision of Financial Inclusion under the Evolving Technology: A Case Study of Big Data Finance and P2P Lending
    Authors: 姜亭安
    Chiang, Ting-An
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chi
    Chiang, Ting-An
    Keywords: 普惠金融
    Financial inclusion
    Big data
    P2P lending
    Financial supervision
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-02-12 15:58:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 金融產業以風險管理為中心,過去由於徵信管道、風險評估和風控技術的限制,再加上商業模式的侷限,導致許多缺乏信用紀錄的個人及缺乏擔保品的中小企業的資金需求,無法在傳統金融體系中被滿足。普惠金融的概念即來自於此種金融排斥效應對社會所產生的負面效應,其核心意旨在於兼顧適當風控機制與金融機構之營利性,最大程度地降低金融服務近用門檻,增加金融服務的便利性及使用性。然而,隨著科技蓬勃發展,帶來了技術革新與新興商業模式,互聯網金融成為普惠金融的發展契機。互聯網科技能有效降低金融服務提供者的服務成本,更提升徵信管道與技術、強化風險識別及管理;對金融消費者而言也得以突破時空限制,享受更便利及客製化的金融服務;產業發展趨勢也開始走向去中心化,不僅開展出多元業態,也創造行業間互相競爭與合作的可能性。

    大數據金融使信用資訊的來源更加多元,風險評估結果更為精準,信用風險的控制也更加即時,更能利用大數據優化貸後風險管理及相關行銷,最終對有資金需求者提供更具效率和普及度的貸款融資服務。P2P 借貸則是有效降低了交易成本、使客戶來源更加多元,也拓寬了融資服務的管道和可及性。大數據金融與P2P 借貸都充分體現了普惠金融的去中介化精神。然而,互聯網科技在借貸融資領域的應用,仍可能引發許多風險。大數據金融可能因資安漏洞或不正當的資訊取得、利用及轉讓形式,產生個資、隱私、營業祕密外洩的風險,大數據金融模式中所收集的信用數據可信程度亦成為備受質疑的焦點。而P2P 借貸的風險則集中於非法集資、平台自融、金融詐騙、捲款潛逃等風險,更可能面臨洗錢、拆分債權重新打包售出、以及高利放貸的危機,再加上普惠金融目標族群的長尾特徵,使得互聯網金融的風險一旦發生,擴散速度將非常

    因此,本研究深入分析普惠金融國際組織的監理方針,以及英國、美國、中國、台灣的大數據金融與P2P 借貸相關監理制度,從中反思我國大數據金融與P2P 借貸監理現行制度之不足,提出未來可持續深耕之監管規範發展方向,期望透過從業者及監管單位的共同努力,打造大數據與P2P 借貸產業在台灣的良好發展環境,在促進普惠金融實踐與鼓勵金融產業創新的同時,兼顧風險之管理、金融犯罪之預防與金融消費者保護。
    The essence of financial industry is risk management. Due to the insufficient access to financial services, the immaturity of risk management ability, and the limited variation of financial products, lots of people or corporations without enough credit history information are relatively excluded from financial service, and their
    financial needs remain unsatisfied. Financial inclusion generated from the negative effects that financial exclusion brought to the society, which aims to emphasize the balance between risk management and profitability of financial institutes, in order to expand the coverage of financial services and increase its convenience. The
    development of technology cultivates an environment for financial inclusion to bloom. Big data makes the resources of credit information more abundant and
    enhances the precision of risk management. P2P lending lowers the transaction cost and expand the coverage of lending services. Big data finance and P2P lending
    embrace the spirit of decentralization of inclusive finance. However, the acquire and use of big data can lead to data security issues such as the leak of privacy and trade secret, and P2P lending could cause illegal financing, fraud and even money laundering. On top of that, the long-tail effect makes the consequences spread faster and worse when the aforementioned risks happened, which can seriously devastate the order and security of financial industry and economy. Therefore, this thesis further analyzed the supervision regulations of the UK, US, China and ROC and suggested possible directions that our supervisors can proceed. Under well-developed risk
    management, crime prevention and consumer protection mechanism, financial innovation should be encouraged.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364218
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.002.2019.F08
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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