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    Title: 評析台灣女性金融識字率:以台北為例
    TAI-PAY: a financial literacy assessment of women in Taipei
    Authors: 巴禎妮
    Butler, Jennifer
    Contributors: 吳玲君
    Wu, Linjun
    Butler, Jennifer
    Keywords: Financial literacy
    Financial knowledge
    Human capabilities approach
    Financial education
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-02-12 15:56:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: As Taiwan strives to maintain and sustain its economic growth and position in the Asia- Pacific region, it must look inward to develop stronger financial literacy proficiency for its citizens. The financial world is not at a standstill; therefore, it is imperative that initiatives be implemented to give women in Taipei a more developed understanding of basic financial knowledge. This study aims to explore the extent to which women in Taipei are financially literate decision-makers and make connections into how future economic participants’ financial literacy could be improved through the transmission of knowledge, a vitally important factor with an aging Taiwanese population. Women are in unique interwoven roles in the workplace, family, and Taiwanese society. Utilizing the human capabilities approach and a narrative-based study, this study concluded that women in Taipei needed financial education and were prime candidates for financial empowerment, even as institutions such as MasterCard rank Taiwan regionally high on the Index of Financial Literacy. The women interviewed vocalized their capability to be financial catalysts for their families and communities but were not financially literate due to a lack of resources, awareness, attitude, and belief. More thorough policy and educational initiatives are necessary to empower these capable women with the financial resources, knowledge, and beliefs essential to bolster Taiwan’s economic future.
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