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    Title: 歐洲聯盟反恐政策之整合 : 以歐盟反恐協調員為例
    EU counter-terrorism policy: study of the counter-terrorism coordinator
    Authors: 黃筱雯
    Huang, Hsiao-Wen
    Contributors: 張台麟
    Chang, Tai-Lin
    Huang, Hsiao-Wen
    Keywords: 歐洲聯盟
    European Union
    EU Counter-terrorism strategy
    EU Counter-terrorism coordinator
    International actorness
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-02-12 15:56:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自美國911恐怖主義攻擊事件發生後,歐洲聯盟(European Union,以下簡稱歐盟)開始積極注重恐怖主義的防治,推出各項反恐宣言和行動計畫,並設立不同的組織和機構推動反恐任務。歐盟之安全治理方式不同於一般國家,是由各會員國與反恐機構間以規範性原則進行反恐合作。面臨發生於歐洲國家內的恐怖攻擊事件時,歐盟成立不同工作小組和反恐單位機構,並以歐盟高峰會通過的宣言或原則為主軸,訂定相對應之反恐措施,由各會員國以國內立法方式施行。由於各會員國及對恐怖主義根源、定義、和反恐措施的認知不同,因應恐怖攻擊事件設立的數項反恐機構間的行政方式也不盡相同,故產生協調整合的職位需求,也因此歐盟在2004年的《打擊恐怖主義宣言》(Declaration on Combating Terrorism)中提出設立「歐盟反恐協調員」(EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator)職位的構想,希望藉由協調員協調歐盟內部反恐機構間的事務,並對外代表歐盟與第三國和國際組織進行合作。歐盟反恐協調員此一職位是基於歐盟反恐架構的多元行為者和彈性組織架構而產生的特殊職位。透過對歐盟反恐協調員一職的分析研究,可以協助瞭解歐盟反恐政策協調整合狀況以及協調員如何協調歐盟內部反恐機構、成員國和獨立機構間的合作,並與第三國和國際組織進行溝通協調。

    EU security governance is different from regular states, which different member states and institutions cooperate according to the normative principles. Since September 11 Attacks happened in the United States, European Union has start to put emphasis on countering terrorism, making many action plans and establishing counter-terrorism institutions. However, EU member states have different views of the concept of terrorism and combating measures, also, the administrative procedures are various in these states, thus generates the needs of political and institutional coordination. EU proposed to set up the positon of EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator (CTC) in Declaration on Combating Terrorism in 2004, in hope to coordinate EU counter-terrorism affairs and representing EU to cooperate with third countries or international organizations. Through the analysis of EU CTC, we can learn the coordination progress of EU counter-terrorism policy, and the role of CTC in the process of coordination among various counter-terrorism actors. First, this study would explain the development of EU counter-terrorism policy and the reason for the need of CTC. Next, this study would analyze the reports written by CTC and the meetings he participated by using international actorness analysis framework to evaluate his actions. In this way, we could understand whether CTC is the effective international actor who can represent EU to coordinate EU counter-terrorism institutions and cooperate with third countries and international organizations.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1042530152
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.DIP.004.2019.F09
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