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    Title: 印度外交政策 : 從辛格的東望到莫迪的東進(2004-2018)
    India’s Foreign Policy: From Manmohan Singh’s Look East to Narendra Modi’s Act East (2004-2018)
    Authors: 簡平帆
    Jian, Ping-Fan
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Jian, Ping-Fan
    Keywords: 東望政策
    Look East Policy
    Act East Policy
    India’s Foreign Policy
    Manmohan Singh
    Narendra Modi
    Indian Foreign Policy
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-02-12 15:55:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 印度一直以來都是南亞區域的強權,當經濟崛起後,印度開始加強與東亞及東南亞的交流。印度的東望政策自1991年以來一直是與東南亞交流最重要的外交政策。東望政策是由總理拉奧於1990年代初發起的,目標是加強與東南亞國家的經濟合作關係。在2004年,總理辛格上台後將東望政策的目標區域放大加入了東亞國家包括中國、日本及澳洲。2014年中,在總理莫迪之下,東望政策名稱改為東進政策。

    India has been a major player in the South Asia region, but as its economy continues to rise, India has gained the confidence to enhance its engagement towards East and Southeast Asia. The Look East Policy (LEP) has been a major pillar of India’s foreign policy since 1991 to increase engagement with Southeast Asia. The LEP was initiated by Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao which initially aims for economic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. In 2004, the LEP later expanded its scope of including China, Japan, and Australia under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. In the second half of 2014, LEP was upgraded to Act East Policy (AEP) under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    This thesis seeks to understand India’s foreign policy shift from the LEP to the AEP and argues that the AEP under Narendra Modi has shifted from solely economic cooperation to include more strategic cooperation with Southeast and East Asia. However, although greater emphasis was put towards strategic cooperation, the AEP did not drastically shift from the LEP due to the limited bureaucratic capacity within the Indian government.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106253016
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.DIP.003.2019.F09
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