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Title: | 高速鐵路對於住宅價格之影響分析—臺灣實證研究 The Impact Analysis of Taiwan High-speed Rail on Housing Prices |
Authors: | 陳奕真 Chen, Yi-Chen |
Contributors: | 蔡育新 Tsai, Yu-Hsin 陳奕真 Chen, Yi-Chen |
Keywords: | 高速鐵路 高鐵車站區位 住宅價格 特徵價格模式 階層線性模式 High-speed Rail Location of HSR station Housing price Hedonic price method Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-02-12 15:51:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 交通運輸設施能使地區間的可及性產生變化,造成人們的旅次行為模式及場站周邊的土地使用產生改變,進而影響房地產市場之供給與需求,使得房地產價格連帶受到影響。臺灣高鐵開通營運至今已屆滿十年,其大幅縮短臺灣西岸的旅行時間,全國各地區之可及性將重新配置,可能影響臺灣整體房地產市場。本研究目的在於實證分析高鐵對於住宅價格之影響,並針對不同空間尺度與高鐵不同設站區位對於房地產價格之影響效果進行探討。 本研究採用特徵價格模式及階層線性模式進行實證分析。研究結果顯示,高鐵可及性對於住宅價格具顯著影響效果,住宅價格將隨與車站的直線距離增加而遞減,而高鐵車站若位於鄉鎮市區直線距離5公里範圍內,該鄉鎮市區之住宅價格將較範圍外之其他鄉鎮市區為高,且住宅價格亦將隨高鐵服務水準的提升而遞增。此外,高鐵車站設站區位不同,將對住宅價格產生不同影響效果,住宅直線距離最近之高鐵站若位於市中心,則其價格將較最近之高鐵站位於都市邊緣及郊區之住宅來得高。 Transportation facilities could change the accessibility between regions, causing changes in people`s travel behavior patterns and land use around the station, which in turn affects the supply and demand of the real estate market, and finally affects the housing prices. High-speed Rail (HSR) has been in operation for ten years in Taiwan. It has significantly shortened the travel time on the west coast of Taiwan. The accessibility of the country will be restructured, which may affect overall real estate market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of HSR on housing prices, and to examine whether different spatial scales and different station locations will cause different impact on housing prices. This study applies Hedonic Price Method and Hierarchical Linear Modeling for empirical research. The result shows that the accessibility of HSR has a significant impact on housing price that housing price will decrease when the housing distance (Euclidean distance) increase from the station, and this impact also works in the country level. Furthermore, the housing price will also increase with higher service level. In addition, the location of the HSR station will led to different impacts on housing prices. If the nearest HSR station is located in the city center, the housing price will be the highest. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 104257008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104257008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LE.001.2019.A05 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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