Abstract: | Since 21th century, lots of developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and European Union have built future schools and school building with more prospective view to create the learning space in 21th century. On the other hand, in Taiwan, the movement of the school campus has been through for over 100 years. It contains standard buildings, school without walls, accessible environment, open space, new campus movement, sustainable schools, public art, information and communication technology, gender and school space, campus aesthetics, campus activation, reuse of vacant space, construction of quality school, cloud technology and future school. Those started a new look and new era of the school building in Taiwan. The historical reforms and developments follow the temple of the educational reform in Taiwan, and make the planning and constructing of the school building more innovative, creative and prospective. These all become the inside core of the success in education. This article illustrates the innovation development and strategy of the school building in Taiwan. 21世紀伊始,美、英、歐盟、澳洲和許多開發國家皆以更前瞻的眼光興建未來學校與校園建築,使之成為21世紀的學習空間。在臺灣,學校建築歷經百年的發展,從標準化校舍、無圍牆學校、無障礙環境、開放空間、新校園運動、永續校園、公共藝術、資訊科技、創意校園、性別空間、空間美學、校園活化、閒置空間再利用、優質校園營造,再到雲端科技與未來校園等,臺灣學校建築已然開創了新風貌與新紀元。這些歷史性的變革與發展,承襲臺灣教改20年大開大合的調性,使學校建築的擘劃與肇建,更見革新、創意與前瞻,並成為教育成功的潛在核心。本文特從臺灣學校建築的革新發展與策略,分別探討說明。 |