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    Title: 複合性風險事件之新聞框架對網路社群參與之影響—以815全台大停電為例
    The effect of news framing on PTT participation in multiple risk event- take the Aug 15 blackout for example
    Authors: 林凱琳
    Lin, Kai-Lin
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Lin, Kai-Lin
    Keywords: 風險傳播
    Risk communication
    News framing
    Online public participation
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-01-04 17:19:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討複合性風險事件的傳播中,新聞框架對線上公眾參與的影響,透過815大停電事件的個案分析,藉以了解台灣不同的網路新聞媒體如何透過新聞框架傳播復合性風險以達到風險溝通,同時也從停電事件中,最多網友討論停電事件的PTT八卦板撈取主文及回文的資料,了解公眾轉貼哪些新聞網站的新聞作為風險消息的解讀依據。

    本研究使用意藍科技提供的Opview Insight資料庫系統撈取撈取台灣四大新聞網站的新聞,包含聯合報、自由時報、中時電子報、蘋果日報,以及PTT上的相關新聞的引用主文及回文,採用框架分析及樞紐分析法了解網路新聞媒體在事件不同階段的新聞框架及PTT網友轉貼、回應新聞的內容的屬性。


    This study aims to explore the effect of the construction of news and the impact of online public participation in multiple risk event. In order to understand the different directions of news framing, this study took Aug 15 power blackout as a case study to analyze the news coverage from the four major news websites in Taiwan and the PTT, which was the platform where the public shared and discussed the risk information.

    This research analyzed the news from United Daily News, Liberty Times, China Times, Apple Daily, and the news be shared on PTT by Excel PivotTable and Frame Analysis. The research results showed that different news websites had different attention trends on Aug 15 power blackout. Liberty Times and China Times published the most of the news happen from 15th, while Apple Daily, United Daily News, and PTT published the most news coverage happen from 16th. In addition, the media and the public are mostly concerned about the possibility of the risk happening in the future compared to the types of risks. The role of the media also varies with the development of the event. In the first period of Aug 15 power blackout, the role of the media was the intermediary, who was reporting the information of the event. While in the second and third periods, the role of the media was the interpreter.

    The study showed that the framing effect lasted for the first 3 days of the risk event. The diversity of the news frame also had an impact on the amount of the comments and the attitude of the comments, which single-frame news led to the most discussions. Besides, the diversity of frame had an impact on the position of comments, which the single and no frame news led to the higher proportion of neutral discussions. Multi-frame news has a higher percentage of dislikes.

    The results of this study gave practical advice on the dissemination of multiple risk events, which can be used as a reference for planning the strategy of public relations and risk communication. The results suggested that the fewer frames in the news, the less negative comments. The single frame led to the higher proportion of neutral comments.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464031
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.040.2018.F05
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