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    Title: 半導體測試產業因應產業環境變化之創新營運模式研究
    The innovative operation mode of semiconductor test industry in response to changes in industrial environment
    Authors: 張文珊
    Chang, Wen-Shan
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Chang, Wen-Shan
    Keywords: 半導體產業
    Semiconductor industry
    Test industry
    Value chain
    Innovative business model
    Five forces analysis
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2019-01-04 15:58:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 半導體是電子產品之重要零組件,因過去隨電子產品內電子零件使用量增加,使半導體產業規模持癒擴大。然而2010年開始,各種山寨和低價化電子產品不斷出現,為了壓低整體電子產品價格,IC晶片走整合趨勢,IC晶片價格及毛利無法提升,直接影響整個IC晶片產業鏈結構。純半導體測試廠商在IC測試時間縮短、晶圓代工及封裝廠商搶食高價晶片測試市場、晶粒測試市場成長趨緩情況下,業者對於提高或降低測試設備資本支出十分兩難。半導體純測試廠商能否突破此一困境,為主研究主軸。
    本研究採個案研究,透過文獻回顧及大量資料收集、訪談,利用Allan Afuah (2001)提出的公司營運績效決定因素架構,從半導體產業環境的變遷,如何影響到個案公司的定位、活動及資源,而個案公司的創新營運模式又如何透過定位、活動、資源及成本的調整來影響營運績效。提供給遇到產業環境變遷及競爭者積極夾殺情況下之企業,如何利用資源重新分配來創造價值之參考。
    Since 2010, various low-cost electronic products have emerged. In order to lower the overall price of electronic products, IC chips will take the integration trend, IC prices and gross margins will not increase, directly affecting the entire IC industry chain structure. Pure semiconductor testers are very difficult to decide how to adjust the capital expenditure of test equipment when IC test time is shortened, foundry and packaging manufacturers are rushing to the high-priced wafer test market, and the die test market is slowing down.
    The research paper will cover the following topics:
    (1) The impact on the pure semiconductor testing industry and manufacturers due to changes in the overall industry?
    (2) Does the pure semiconductor test vendor have a strategic response trend?
    (3) How should pure semiconductor test vendors take the new business model?
    This research uses case study, through literature review and data collection and interviews. Based on Allan Afuah (2001) business model, how the changes in the industry affect the positioning, activities and resources of case company. And how the case company`s innovative business model affects operational performance through positioning, activities, resources and cost adjustments.
    This study finds that the growth of low- and medium-priced electronic products has a great impact on the testing industry. In order to maintain profits, test vendors must reduce the cost of testing machines, identify core values, and pool resources to strengthen competitiveness and improve operational performance. More entry barriers must be established. At low cost, core competencies must be continuously improved. In the long term, it can be thought in the innovative business model about the possibility of combining upstream business or independent division.
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    1. 再談營運模式創新指標
    2. 曹修源 Consumer-Driven Marketing Strategy
    3. 價值鏈、價值系統、產業鏈與微笑曲線
    4. Porter’s Value Chain
    Business Set Free Ltd
    5. 產業價值鏈競爭模式研究
    6. SWOT分析與策略擬定
    7. ITIS 產業資訊服務網
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932138
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.107.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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