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    Title: 製造業永續價值溪流圖 (Sus-VSM) 之應用 : 以A公司為例
    An empirical application of sustainable value stream mapping (sus-vsm) in manufacturing : a case study
    Authors: 曾琬婷
    Tseng, Wan-Ting
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Lo, Sonia M.
    Tseng, Wan-Ting
    Keywords: 永續價值溪流圖
    Sustainable Value Stream Mapping (Sus-VSM)
    Value stream mapping
    Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
    Sustainable performance
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-11-09 15:58:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   鑒於非財務資訊的揭露廣受國際重視,我國也爰分階段擴大編製與申報企業社會責任報告書之上市公司範圍,按照這個趨勢發展,未來勢必會擴大實施於更多的企業。因此,不論是企業自主響應永續行動,或是為配合法令揭露企業的非財務資訊,企業皆欲評估及提高自身的永續績效。本研究以結合三重底線原則的永續價值溪流圖 (Sustainable Value Stream Mapping, Sus-VSM) 為架構,提出「永續價值溪流圖應用之方法論」,並透過一家個案公司實際執行此方法論以驗證其有效性。以期未來,當非財務面資訊成為了大多數企業必須揭露的項目時,企業得以參考本研究之方法論以善用永續價值溪流圖,量化及可視化企業在永續上的績效,進而制定企業永續面的改善計畫,創造永續價值。
      In view of the fact that the disclosure of non-financial information has been widely recognized by the international community, our government has also expanded the scope of listed companies that have compiled and applied for corporate social responsibility reports in stages. According to this trend, more and more enterprises will execute the disclosure in the future. Therefore, companies are willing to assess and improve their sustainability performance, whether they are self-responsive to sustainable actions or to expose non-financial information to companies in compliance with laws and regulations. This study proposes the methodology of the application of sustainable value stream mapping based on the triple bottom line principle. This methodology is actually implemented by a case company to verify its effectiveness. In the future, when non-financial information becomes a project that most companies must expose, companies can refer to the methodology of this study to make good use of the sustainable value stream mapping, to quantify and visualize the performance of the company. Further, to develop an improvement plan for corporate sustainability performance and create sustainable value.
      The result of this study indicates that, the problems and challenges that may be encountered in applying the sustainable value stream mapping. Since the sustainable value stream mapping combined with the triple bottom line principle was proposed in 2014, the academic applications are limited. Therefore, the definition of indicators and the collection of data for indicators are still insufficient or overly ideal in the operation of practical cases. However, this study also found that the sustainable value stream mapping tool does provide a convenient framework to help companies quickly examine current economic, environmental, and societal performance. Through understanding the company`s current sustainable performance, the company is able to identify improvement points, and then develop improvement plans to provide an implementation guide for corporate to develop sustainability.
      This study contributes to the literature of sustainability value stream mapping by developing a methodology for the application of a sustainable value stream mapping, and this methodology has been validated through a case study. And from the case study, this study further makes corresponding suggestions to the insufficient part of the previous researches. It also provides a guideline and an example for reference to practitioners when they want to access the sustainable performance of their companies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363111
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.085.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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