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Title: | 性別平等教育法對高級中等以下學校教師行政處分之救濟分析-以高等行政法院判決為核心 Analysis for Relief Litigation of Administrative Disposition on Gender Equity Education Act of Teachers at High Schools and Lower Levels -With the Judgement of the High Administrative Court |
Authors: | 李其鴻 Lee, Chi-Hung |
Contributors: | 郭添財 Kuo,Tien-Tsai 李其鴻 Lee, Chi-Hung |
Keywords: | 性別平等教育 性霸凌 行政處分 行政救濟 Gender equity education Sexual bullying Administrative disposition Administrative relief litigation |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-11-09 15:54:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 《性別平等教育法》實施迄今已經超過十年,校園依然繼續存在性侵害、性騷擾、性霸凌案件。《性別平等教育法》第4章校園性侵害、性騷擾及性霸凌之防治的規定,校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌事件經學校或主管機關調查屬實後,應該依據相關法律或法規規定自行或將加害人移送其他權責機關,予以申誡、記過、解聘、停聘、不續聘或其他適當之懲處,惟申請人或行為人對學校或主管機關之處分結果不服,得依法提起救濟,人民有請願、訴願及訴訟之權,是憲法賦予的權利,本研究是基於我國司法救濟制度,對申請人或行為人不服主管機關依據性別平等教育法所做成的行政處分請求救濟訴訟作分析。 本研究分為法理的探討及實務判決的分析。在法理的探討部分,透過文獻回顧的方式論述《性別平等教育法》的發展歷程及行政處分的概念作為救濟訴訟探究的基本原則,以作為分析實務判決的基礎理論。在實務判決的分析部分,乃是根據高等行政法院的裁判,將救濟樣態分類並統計出各樣態的比例,再藉由救濟的樣態比例去檢核《性別平等教育法》於實務上的施行。 本研究結果主要發現如下: 《性別平等教育法》實施成效有改善的空間如:(1)校園性侵害、性騷擾依然充斥著校園(2)教師對行政處分救濟原則的不了解,導致訴訟的訴求遭駁回居多(3)《性別平等教育法》課程、教材與教學無法透過司法救濟評估實施成效(4)學校應有建立學習環境安全的認知(5)校園性霸凌事件未進入行政救濟訴訟,無法認定為學校教師所為(6)學校性別平等教育委員會代表應更加專業化。 For more than decades the Gender Equity Education Act have been practicing until now. still to continued to exist of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campuses.the provision of Chapter 4 on Prevention and Handling of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Bullying on Campus of the Gender Equity Education Act once an incident of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus has been investigated and established as having actually occurred by the school or competent authorities in accordance with the pertinent laws or regulations, the school or competent authorities shall itself impose a formal reprimand, demerit, dismissal, suspension, non-renewal of contract, or some other appropriate penalty on the offender, or transfer him or her to another authorized agency with the jurisdiction to do so. but if not satisfied with the disposition of the reapplication, the applicant or offender may petition for relief, the people shall have the right of presenting petitions, lodging complaints, or instituting legal proceedings by constitution regulation.This study is based of judicial relief system, analysis whether an applicant or offender is dissatisfied with the administrative disposition request relief litigation by the competent authorities pursuant of Gender Equity Education Act.are as follows: Analysis of the Implementation effectiveness of Gender Equity Education Act by relief litigation. This study is divided into legal research and analysis of practicing decisions. In the research section of legal theory, the basic principles explored on both of development process of Gender Equity Education Act and the concept of administrative disposition by through literature review,as the basic theory for the analysis of practicing judgments. based the divide the pattern of relief and calculate the proportion of each pattern by in accordance with the jurisdiction of the High Administrative Court, Then checking the effectiveness of the implementation of Gender Equity Education Act in practice by the proportion of relief patterns. The results of this study were mainly found are as follows: The improvements in the implementation effectiveness of Gender Equity Education Act are as follows: (1) The sexual assault and sexual harassment are still full of campus. (2) The teacher’s lacking of knowledge of the principle of administrative relief, as a result very much of appealing dismissed on litigations. (3) The curriculum, teaching materials and instruction of Gender equity education Act cannot be evaluation implementation effectiveness by judicial relief. (4) The schools should have a cognition of establishing a safe environment for learning. (5) The incident Sexual bullying on campus has not enter administrative relief litigations, cannot identified as a school teacher is the offender. (6) The school gender equity education committee representatives should be more professional. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 103911020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103911020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MESA.014.2018.F02 |
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