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Title: | 台灣新南向政策之產業發展機會—以優勢企業為例 The Opportunities under Taiwan`s New Southbound Policy—Using Competitive Firms as an example |
Authors: | 余仁耀 Yu, Jen-Yao |
Contributors: | 莊奕琦 Chuang, Yih-Chyi 余仁耀 Yu, Jen-Yao |
Keywords: | 新南向政策 半導體 電子 工具機 車用電子 工業4.0 New southbound policy Semiconductor Electronics Machine tools Automotive electronics Industry 4.0 |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-11-09 15:53:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國大陸致力推動一帶一路,目標著重在全球放貸興建基礎設施,與我國新南向政策透過我優勢與創新產業拓展市場不同,兩岸政策互不干擾,甚至一帶一路鐵公路與高鐵建設完成後,更有利我國產業在新南向國家發展,例如陸企在東協國家架設光纖電纜後,我國可增添智慧裝置,亦可在大眾運輸工具上加裝顯示裝置及物聯網設施。 本研究先以東協及南亞國家為主體,探討其對中國大陸及台灣貿易關係,發現自2000年以來,其等對中國大陸機電產品貿易增長迅速,多為中間財,顯示彼此在該領域融入供應鏈漸深,此對我國相關產業經貿與投資恐造成排擠,因台灣重點產業為半導體、車用電子,再加上資通與視聽產品,佔整體出口約44%。此外,台灣上述產業亦面臨諸多挑戰:韓國三星致力發展晶片設計與製造、美中貿易戰威脅台灣設計大陸組裝而銷往美國之產業、中國大陸等多國政府均斥資培養科技人才、美英日以(色列)在開發AI晶片、AI應用及超級電腦已是全球龍頭等。 此外,我國在全球供應鏈上的加工附加價值漸次提升,主要是因掌握關鍵技術,使我國專業ODM產品如晶片等,在全球市佔率約66%,換言之,國際知名品牌製程中需將產品送到台灣設計與加工,顯示台商產能、成本、交期及與品牌整體系統相容等均受肯定,而受益於產業聚落,此產業生態環境造就其他產業蓬勃發展,如IC晶圓ODM帶動IC封測、設計及設備廠的發展,而主機板與PC大廠的技嘉、華擎、仁寶、緯創亦跟進申請許多關鍵專利技術。 本研究最後探討以我國優勢產業尋求新南向國家22億人口市場之商機,從電子產品在地化功能、交通工具及製造業升級等方面,找出該等國家需求,並彙整設廠成功台商,作為相關領域上下游廠商前往設廠之參考,另亦建議政府與同業公會以共同研發、舉辦論壇及設立學校等方式,協助我國科技與製程優勢產業往新南向國家發展。 本研究採用描述統計及文獻分析法,從經貿數據等資料找出我優勢產業,再從各類文獻尋求前進新南向市場可行建議,如何發展新南向國家市場作為我國企業避險,同時嘉惠彼此企業。 Mainland China is promoting the One Belt and One Road Initiative and its focus is on infrastructure-building, while Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy focuses more on helping its industries find business opportunities. Therefore, the OBOR and the New Southbound Policy are not contradicting each other. They could even be complementary. For example, Taiwan’s ETC network system could be useful to public transportation in New Southbound countries. This study is based on the ASEAN and South Asian countries and explores their trade relations with China and Taiwan. It found that since 2000, trade in mechanical and electrical products in China has grown rapidly, mostly in intermediate goods, showing that China and ASEAN are integrated in this field. As the supply chain is getting deeper, China’s trade with ASEAN countries may affect Taiwan’s business opportunities because Taiwan’s key industries were semiconductors, automotive electronics, and ICT products, which accounted for 44% of the total exports. In addition, those Taiwan sectors have faced other external challenges. For example, Samsung puts significant effort in developing new chips; US-China trade friction can impact the products that are ordered or designed in Taiwan, assembled in China and then sold to the US; Britain is developing IPU(Intelligence Processing Unit); China and Singapore have invested in developing the workforce of semiconductor industries; and Japan, the US and Israel are the world leaders in the development of AI chips, AI applications and supercomputers. In addition, Taiwan`s processing added value in the global supply chain has gradually increased, mainly due to the mastery of key technologies. For example, Taiwan’s semiconductor fabrication held around 66% of market share in the world in 2017. Those well-known brands had to send their products to Taiwan to conduct value-added process because foreign buyers highly trusted its capacity, cost, timely delivery, and compatibility. Taiwan`s advantage, in turn, benefited the industry clusters. Therefore, Semiconductor fabrication ODM made PCB and PC corporates prosper. This study further explored the business opportunities of Taiwan’s competitive industries, including electronics, transportation and manufacturing upgrades, to seek the market of 2.2 billion people in the New Southbound countries. We tried to identify the industrial needs of these countries and collected some evidences from Taiwanese companies which successfully extended their factories into New Southbound countries. Finally, we provide suggestions for Taiwanese government and business sectors. It is also recommended that the government and the trade associations assist the development of Taiwan`s science and technology and process industries to the New Southbound countries through joint research and development, forums and setting up education and training institutions. This study uses the method of citation analysis to explore China’s OBOR and its impact. It uses a descriptive statistics method to find out about trade relations between China and Taiwan, and China and ASEAN countries. Then, it tries to identify Taiwan’s competitive industries and business opportunities in New Southbound countries. The suggestions which we come up with should benefit Taiwan’s corporates and the New Southbound countries. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1029260021 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMAS.013.2018.A07 |
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