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Title: | 從舞者到舞蹈教師的生命故事之探究 From Dancer to Dance Teacher: A Writing Inquiry of Life Story |
Authors: | 鄒軍 Zou, Jun |
Contributors: | 李宗芹 Lee, Tsung-Chin 鄒軍 Zou, Jun |
Keywords: | 書寫 舞蹈教育 身體表達 創造性舞蹈 舞蹈治療 Writing Dance education Body expression Creative dance Dance therapy |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-11-09 15:52:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文敘述了我從舞者到舞蹈老師的生命歷程轉變的故事,同時也是自己尋找生命意義的開始。 故事從我個人专場舞蹈的落幕開始,而立之年獲得了人生高峰,有著他人眼中羨慕的工作和生活,可是我一直焦慮空有強壯的身體卻沒有實在的感覺。2015年來台留學,從老師身份突然間變為學生,我疑惑一個工作十幾年的教師,怎麼當回「學生」變得如此困難?當我在李宗芹老師課堂上從碰觸發現身體的感動,覺察到了身體好像一直在對我說著什麼,我開始學習去傾聽身體的聲音。 本論文選擇了「書寫」作為研究方法,我開始面向自身,向豐厚的生命智慧學習。書寫是理解「身體」的敘事、是一種表達行動、是一把帶我回家的鑰匙。書寫宛若詩歌的藝術,通過生命故事,以及與身體的對話,來揭露、整理、凝視自己,寫出了自己。這些淘洗出的生命片段,彌足珍貴。同時在書寫歷程中我看到自我生命的轉化,重新認識和喜歡上了自己。 本論文第一章寫出了我的研究動機和目的以及待答問題,在第二章探討了自我敘事這個研究方法和選擇的緣由,在第三章我回憶了自己一路從舞者到舞蹈教師的生命故事,在第四章重點探尋出自己來台灣再次與舞蹈相遇後的轉化,在第五章重點闡釋舞蹈之於我的意義。最後在第六章提出舞蹈教育是「成人之美」的藝術, 讓我繼續探尋藝術和教育的本源,從而為舞蹈教育的實踐提出更多的可能性。 舞蹈是撬動自我生命的支點,通過這次的論文書寫,我也慢慢梳理出自己對身體、舞蹈、教育與人之間關係的理解。身體是人覺察意識的來源與對象,舞蹈是表達人的內心與情感,在教育的過程中教師成就他人也就是成就自己的生命。無論何時何地,我們只要相信愛與生命,我們就會隨風起舞,舞出自由的生命舞步。 This dissertation traces the shifts of my life’s trajectory from a former dancer to a dance teacher. These changes also marked the beginning of my search for the meaning of life. The story begins with the end of my personal dance performance. I reached my life’s zenith in my thirties, as others cast envious eyes on my work and my life. Despite my athletic flesh, however, a sense of void fed my growing anxiety. In 2015, I came to Taiwan to study. Suddenly, I was no longer a teacher but a student. Why was it so difficult, I could not help but wonder, for a teacher who had worked for more than a decade to become a ‘student’ again? Fortunately, in Professor Lee Tsung-Chin’s class, I was deeply moved by discovering the body through touch. Feeling that the body seemed to have been trying to say something to me, I started to learn to listen to the voice of my own body. This dissertation adopts Writing as its research methodology. I started to face myself and learn from the rich wisdom of life. Writing inquiry is to understand the body’s narrative; it is an act of expression; it is a key which takes me home. Writing can be compared to the art of poetry. With the help of self-narrative, life stories, and dialogues with the body, one exposes, organizes, and gazes at himself, so as to commit to papers his true self. These highlighted fragments of life are extremely precious. At the same time, during the course of writing, I saw my life’s transformation. This allowed me to arrive at a new understanding of myself, and to like myself again. The first chapter of this dissertation outlines my research motivation, its purposes, and research questions. Chapter Two discusses self-narrative as the research methodology and the reason behind this choice. In Chapter Three, I will recall my life story and my trajectory from a dancer to a dance teacher. Chapter Four focuses on my transformation after my re-encounter with dance in Taiwan. Chapter Five focuses on the significance of the dance to me. Finally, in Chapter Six, I argue that dance education is an art which helps people to achieve self-realization. Such understanding of dance education allows me to continue the quest for the origin of art and education. This provides more possibilities for the practice of dance education. Dance is the fulcrum to lift one’s own life. Thanks to the dissertation writing process, I have slowly managed to make sense of my own understanding of the relationships between body, dance, education, and human beings. Body is the source and recipient of human senses and consciousness. Dance expresses the human mind and emotions. In the course of education, the teacher helps others to attain self-realization, which in turn helps himself to fulfil his life. As long as we believe in love and life, whenever and wherever, we will dance in the wind and freely find the dance moves of our lives. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 104152019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104152019 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EDU.011.2018.F02 |
Appears in Collections: | [Department of Education] Theses
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