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    Title: 方法論的辯證與互補的可能性- 論Karl-Otto Apel之先驗語用學與教育硏究
    Authors: 王俊斌
    Contributors: 楊深坑
    Keywords: 先驗語用學;方法論的辯證;多元主義;互補性
    transcendental pragmatics;methodological dialectic;pluralism;complementary thesis
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2018-10-11 11:35:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 反省當前教育學研究的多元方法論發展方向,如何不讓方法論的多元主義淪為一種各說各話的相對論或虛無主義?為解決此一問題,本研究採取理論分析的方法,首先通過對Apel先驗語用學內涵的探究,進而分析其與批判者在知識論/方法論上的辯證與對話,最後則是在批判Apel的互補性論題立場下,轉而證成一種動態知識論的多元主義與方法論互補性的觀點。
    就有關方法論辯證的論題而言,Apel係主張以先驗反思來達成方法論互補性,此一觀點的著重要意義即為:不論是教育學的自然科學化或者採取有別於自然科學之精神科學教育學的主張,表面上這兩種立場無論在理論、假設、研究技巧和工具方面都不一樣,其研究結果的合併運用最終將陷於背棄任何一個典範的局面。可是,研究者若執著於某種單一典範,顯然這將使得研究者將無法求得真相,更甚者可能會有歪曲、誤解的現象產生。據此,方法論的辯證互補即立基於方法論反思的層次,期待建構出多元互補之整全性視野的可能性。然而依據本研究的分析,就Apel 企圖以先驗語用學達成方法論的辯證性互補之論點而言,其即希望以意識型態批判做為匯通多元方法論之後設典範。可是總結先驗語用學與多元方法論辯證之論題(如現象學反思、詮釋學循環、普遍語用學、實證論與反基礎主義等),Apel預設之方法論的超越性顯然是無法達成的。
    Dialectic of Methodologies and Possibilities of Complementarity Thesis-Karl-Otto Apel’s Transcendental Pragmatic and Educational Research
    Concerning the plural-methodologies developing direction of educational research, how to prevent methodological pluralism sinking into a kind of relativism or nihilism, become an important issue. Searching a possible solution for this issue , this dissertation adopts theoretical analysis , firstly, to inquire the implication of Karl-Otto Apel’s transcendental pragmatics; secondly, to analyze the epistemological / methodological dialectic and dialogue between Apel and his critics ; lastly , to transform the critique of Apel’s complementary thesis into to justify the perspective of dynamic epistemological pluralism and methodological complementarity.
    From the standpoint of methodological dialectic ,Apel advocates reaching methodological complementarity through transcendental reflection. The importance of this point of view just as follow : when we try to distinguish their differences between theories , hypothesizes , researching skills and instruments ; we can take result that ‘Naturwissenschaftliche’ or ‘Geisteswissenschaftliche’ Pädagogik are thoroughly two incommensurable paradigms. If researcher roughly combines these two approaches , he will confront to violate the regulation of any paradigm . In the opposite, if researcher is only self-restricted in a special paradigm maxim, that will cause misunderstanding or distortion in the inquiry process. That is to say, methodological-dialectical complementary , based on reflection level , endeavors to construct an’ Einheit’ from multiple perspectives. Apel attempts to obtain a dialectic result by his transcendental pragmatics, but according to the analyze of this dissertation , the task is not achieved.
    With regards to the positioning , this research finally espouses methodological dynamic pluralism, that try to acquire the whole of ‘facticity’, and consider those two dimensions, ‘ from objectivity to subjectivity’ and’ from subjectivity to objectivity’, only after giving an clear definition for the research problem and reflection on the fitness of research method , we just can rightly hold the probability of objectification in educational knowledge.
    Key Words :
    transcendental pragmatics,
    methodological dialectic,
    complementary thesis
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCV8232012
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