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    Title: 採購人員工作滿足、工作壓力與離職傾向之硏究
    A study of procurement officers` job satisfaction, work pressure, and turnover intention
    Authors: 范雪景
    Contributors: 孫本初
    Keywords: 採購人員;工作滿足;工作壓力;離職傾向
    Procurement Officers;Job Satisfaction;Work Pressure;turnover intention
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2018-10-05 17:08:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 民國八十七年五月一日,立法院三讀通過政府採購法,八十七年五月二十七日總統公佈了一項為政府機關及工程界公認為一大里程碑的法案「政府採購法」,並於八十八年五月二十七日起實施。政府採購是行政過程中重要的一環,政府預算中除人事費外,大多透過採購以滿足各項施政要求,所以採購制度之良寡關係著政策推動之成敗,又政府採購金額約占政府總預算之八十%,故其不但對公部門影響大,對於私部門之市場影響亦十分重大,關係著各廠商之生存與發展,對於如此重大之事項,確實應該有一部法律加以完整規範,「政府採購法」也因此被稱為是行憲以來最重要之一部法律。政府採購法實施迄今已三年,政府採購之政策設計是一種良法之設計,然採購法規除政府採購法之外尚有相關子法四十種之多,並歷經多次修法過程,法規變動亦頻繁,相關法令解釋函眾多,「政府採購法」實施後對採購人員之影響如何?尤其對採購人員之工作壓力、工作滿足與離職傾向三項,實有必要深入探討與研究。由於相關研究大多從採購制度面及法規面探討政府採購問題,本研究擬從採購人員面向探討相關問題,採購人員是政府採購之執行者,當執行者缺乏執行政策之動力,則再好之良意政策,其政策推動之成效亦必大打折扣。
    After the Third Reading, the Legislative Yuan passed the Procurement Act on May 1ˢᵗ, 1998. And on May 27, 1998 the President announced the ‘Government Procurement Act’, which is considered by all government agencies and the engineering industry as a major milestone. It became effective on May 27, 1999. Procurement process is an important integral of government administration. Apart from personnel expenses, a large part of the government budget is assigned to procurement so that various policies can be implemented. Therefore, the procurement system is closely related to the success and failure of government policies. Furthermore, 80% of the government budget is assigned for procurement; it affects not only the government but also the private sector. Many businesses’ livelihood and development rely on procurement from the government. Therefore, it is necessary to have a set of comprehensive laws to regulate ‘government procurement’. Hence, this Act is considered the most important law since the constitution. It has been three years since it became effective. The Act designed with good intensions. However, there are more than forty subsections, and it has gone through many changes and amendments. There are numerous explanation documents as well. How has the Act affected government procurement officers? It is necessary to do an in-depth study and research on the procurement officers’ pressure from work, job satisfaction, and tendency to quit. Most researches study the procurement problems from an institutional or regulatory perspective. But this study will discuss procurement related issues from procurement officers’ point of views. Government procurement officers execute the procurement tasks; if they are not motivated to uphold the policies, no matter how good the laws are, they won’t be effective.
    Therefore, I hope through this study we will be able to find out the problems facing procurement officers and possible solutions. This study is oriented from human point of view, and it is a study of the impact of the Government Procurement Act on procurement officers’ pressure from work, job satisfaction, and tendency to quit. Examples used in the study are procurement officers and executives from central government agencies of the Executive Yuan. Research methods include surveys and in-depth interviews. The results of this study prove the following:
    1. There is no obvious difference in job satisfaction due to procurement officers’ personal backgrounds, such as gender, age, rank, job title, years of experience in serving the government, years of experience as procurement officer, and types of procurement duty.
    2. Degree of pressure from work is related to different personal backgrounds. This is especially obvious with appointed procurement officers.
    3. Tendency to quit is related to personal backgrounds; it is especially related to ‘years of experience as procurement officer’ and ‘rank’.
    4. There is an obvious correlation between job satisfaction and pressure from work; the greater degree of pressure is the lower degree of job satisfaction.
    5. There is an obvious correlation between job satisfaction and tendency to quit. People with higher degree of job satisfaction have lower degree of tendency to quit.
    6. There is an obvious correlation between pressure from work and tendency to quit; the greater the pressure is the higher degree of tendency to quit.
    7. Most procurement officers support implementing a job-rotation system.
    8. The appointed procurement officers have the greatest pressure from work and are most likely to quit.
    9. Procurement officers consider the greatest job satisfaction comes from ‘satisfaction of superior or fellow officers’, ‘harmonious work relations with colleagues’, ‘timely assistance and instructions from superior officers’.
    10. The greatest pressure of procurement officers comes from the numerous government procurement laws and regulations.
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