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Title: | 深圳90年代外商直接投資與對外貿易 China`s foreign direct investment and foreign trade in the 1990s : Shenzhen case study |
Authors: | 華士傑 |
Contributors: | 翁永和 華士傑 |
Keywords: | 外商直接投資;國際貿易;深圳;中國大陸 foreign direct investment;foreign trade;Shenzhen;China |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2018-10-05 17:08:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文之研究目的是在探討外商直接投資與貿易的互動,並以中國大陸在1980年成立之經濟特區深圳作為個案研究,勾勒出中國大陸作為開發中國家,如何以出口導向之深圳作為經濟成長的典範。深圳是一個特殊的個案,其發展是由於整個中國大陸在接受外商直接投資理念與規範,並在制度面發生變革後逐步展開。大陸政府以政策優惠及管理,支持深圳由80年代的加工出口、結合外資的技術及管理經驗,轉變為90年代高新技術產品的興起。
深圳90年代高新技術產品產值,及佔當地工業總產值比重提升之現象甚為明顯。若與中國大陸其它先進城市之高新技術產業開發區作比較,深圳在「每職工總產值」、「每職工出口額」兩項,領先北京、上海及蘇州。這個現象部分印證深圳在90年代已逐漸由一般加工貿易轉型為科技創新的貿易,而本文認為轉型的原因無法完全由內資、外資孰重來作考量,尚需納入其它內生經濟成長之因素方為周延。 Shenzhen(深圳) is one of the fast-growing cities in China since 1980. Combined with phenomenal foreign trade volume and robust foreign direct investment (FDI) influx, Shenzhen becomes an icon of economical development through the 80’s and 90’s, not only for China as a developing country but also for the transitional economies in formal socialist central-planning states. Starting from a Special Economical Zone focusing on export, Shenzhen gradually develops its competitive advantage in exporting hi-tect products other than comparative advantage in usual processing and assembly trade in the 90’s.
It is main purpose of this thesis to bring closer how fundamental institutional changes can stimulate sound policies in sustaining Shenzhen as a preferable investing cite for transnational companies. The findings confirm the product and investment cycle theory do hold to a certain extent. Although trade records show signs of intra-industry trade, it needs further evidence to vindicate Shenzhen as a locus of investment due to vertical production process. This thesis also shows that foreign own enterprises clustering in Shenzhen may enjoy economy of scale in expending trade and competitiveness.
By comparing Shenzhen , Beijing (北京) , Shanghai (上海) and Suzhou (蘇州) , this thesis finds evidence that other things being equal, Shenzhen has been ahead of other cities in terms of attracting FDI and transferring it to export through the 90’s. Shenzhen also leads other cities in hi-tect production and export volume measured by workers employed. These facts reveal that Shenzhen remains competitive despite FDI has been moving northward in the 90’s. Shenzhen stands firm meeting the challenge coming from China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, knowing that preferential treatments once giving to this Special Economical Zone were removed.
Shenzhen is unique in the study of interaction between FDI and foreign trade. It not only concerns investing countries but China as a home country. It not only shifts levels of analysis from firms and industries but governance emanating from the Chinese government. It not only requires knowledge about broad social-economical background but technique in presenting tables and figures. This thesis employs an integrated framework and suggests that data collection, classification and explication shall modify according to the interest and focus of study perse, bearing in mind that the interaction between FDI and foreign trade stays the focal point. |
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