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Title: | 數位教材適性設計在國中多項式乘法教學的應用 The Application of Adaptive Designs of Digital Material for Teaching Polynomial Multiplication in Junior High School |
Authors: | 張琇如 |
Contributors: | 詹志禹 Chan, Chih-Yu 張琇如 |
Keywords: | 認知引導策略 適性設計 內在動機 學習風格 Cognitive guiding strategy Adaptive design Intrinsic motivation Earning style |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-10-01 12:18:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討多項式乘法在數位教材的適性設計,透過三種教材類型(箭頭型、長方形面積型與基因棋盤格型)為前導組織體,探討教材類型、認知引導方式與學習者的學習風格對學習者的認知引導適合度、內在動機與學習效果的影響,也就是探討教材設計對數位教材適性程度的可能影響,希望對數位教材的適性化程度有更深入的了解。 依據結果的分析,本研究主要的研究發現如下: (1)在學習風格上,學生在類型的分佈上感知視覺型的學習者偏多。此外,直覺文字型與直覺視覺型的學習者較適合箭頭型的引導策略。(2)在內在動機上,三種教材類型的認知引導策略下的內在動機都顯著優於前測的內在動機,認知引導適合度對內在動機具有顯著而正向影響。(3)在認知引導適合度上,適合度越高則有學習效果越好的傾向;在認知負荷上,低認知負荷的學習效果都顯著優於高認知負荷的學習效果。(4)學習效果會受教材類型、認知引導適合度與學習風格的影響。 The aim of this research is to investigate some adaptive designs of learning material for teaching polynomial multiplication. A purposive sampling of 357 junior high school students participated in the current study. Three types (arrowhead, rectangular area, and genetic checkerboard) of digital learning materials were designed as advance organizers and their relationships with learning styles and effects on appropriateness of cognitive guiding strategies, intrinsic motivation, and learning performance were investigated. It was found that, among four learning styles, the highest percentage of students appeared in the category of “Sensing and Visual.” In addition, students with learning styles of “Intuitive-Verbal” and “Intuitive-Visual” are more adaptive to arrowhead types of learning material than those with other learning styles. It was also found that the level of intrinsic motivation in learning three types of digital materials were higher than those on pretest. Furthermore, the adaptiveness of three types of cognitive guiding strategies is beneficial to intrinsic motivation. Students with low cognitive load performed better than those with high cognitive load. Finally, it was concluded that learning performances were affected by designing types of learning materials, adaptiveness of cognitive guidance and learning styles. |
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