Reference: | 史料 澳洲國家檔案館 National Archives of Australia 1. NAA Collection, A471, 81214, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - MATSUMOTO Hideo & Others - Labuan Unit: Date and Place of Tribunal - Labuan 8 December 1945] 2. NAA Collection, A471, 81204, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - HIROTA Selichi &Others: Date and Place of Tribunal - Labuan, 8 December 1945] 3. NAA: A471, 80716, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - SUGINO Tsuruo (Sergeant) AWC 821: Unit - N/A: Place and date of Tribunal - Labuan, 4 December 1945] 4. NAA Collection, A471, 81216, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - IWABE Shigaru &Others - Labuan, 29 and 31 December 1945] 5. NAA Collection, A471, 80772, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - NAGAHIRO Maseo & Others: Place and date of Tribunal - Labuan, 7-9 August 1946] 6. NAA Collection, A471, 80715, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - OKADA Toshiharu & Others: Unit - N/A: Place and date of Tribunal - Labuan, 11-13 January 1946] 7. NAA Collection, A471, 80970, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - GOTO Tsuneyoshi & Others: Place and date of Tribunal - Labuan, 13 and 14 January 1946] 8. NAA Collection, A471, 80913, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - BEPPU Yoichi & Others: Unit - Borneo Prison Camp: Date and Place of Tribunal - Labuan, 14, 15 January 1946] 9. NAA Collection, A471, 80776, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - MUROZUMI Hisaa & Others: Place of Tribunal - Labuan, 18-19 January 1946] 10. NAA Collection, A471, 80776, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - HAYASHI Yoshineri : KITAMURA Kotaro : KIYOSHIMA Tadeo : Unit - N/A : Date and Place of Tribunal - Labuan, 30 January 1946] 11. NAA Collection, A471, 81015, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - HAYASHI Yoshinori AWC 720: Place and date of Tribunal - Rabaul, 29 and 30 May 1946]. 12. NAA Collection, A471, 81213, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - KITAMURA Kotoro AWC 755: KAWAKAMI Koyoshi AWC 751: SUZUKI Saburo AWC 824 : Date and Place of Tribunal - Rabaul, 25, 27 and 28 July 1946] 13. NAA Collection, A471, 81060, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - FUKUSHIMA Masao AWC 173: Unit - Sandakan POW Camp: Date and Place of Tribunal - Rabaul, 29 May 1946] 14. NAA Collection, A471, 81218, [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - FUKUSHIMA Masao AWC 173: Unit - Sandakan POW Camp : Date and Place of Tribunal - Rabaul, 30 and 31 May 1946] 15. NAA Collection, A471 80754 [War Crimes - Military Tribunal - SHOJI Kuraji & OTHERS: Place and date of Tribunal - Morotai, 22-31 January 1946]
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