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Title: | 陳璧君、汪精衛與民國政治 Chan Bijun, Wang Jinwei and the Chinese Modern History |
Authors: | 趙席敻 Zhao, Hsihsiung P. |
Contributors: | 黃克武 Ko-wu Max Wang 趙席敻 Hsihsiung P. Zhao |
Keywords: | 陳璧君 Chan Bijun |
Date: | 2018 |
Abstract: | 陳璧君與汪精衛是民國政壇上很特別的一對夫妻檔。二人自同盟會時期即相識於陳璧君的家鄉――檳榔嶼。為了追求汪,也為了發展革命理念,陳追隨汪至日本,兩人成為革命同志,並進而相戀,還一起進行最激烈又不計生死的暗殺活動。最後在清朝推翻後,刺殺載灃未死的汪精衛,變成肇建民國的英雄,陳璧君也成開國元勳之一,兩人結為夫妻,備受囑目與祝福。之後遠去法國留學,卻因國內政局劇變,汪又應孫中山之召,返回國內,自此投入政界。由於陳璧君早歲投入革命,她也有自己的政治能量,國民黨籌建黃埔軍校過程中,她去海外向華僑募得巨款,並在第一次全國代表大會成為國民黨提名的三位女性代表之一,從而選上中央委員、中央監委,這個身份一直維持到她隨汪脫離重慶國府為止。不過,陳璧君大多數時候還是隨汪精衛的人生抉擇、政海浮沉,時而活躍、時而出國蟄伏。她多半在汪身邊亦步亦趨,有時則充當汪之分身或執行人。在汪赴歐療養時,她留在國內注意時局變化,聯絡汪派成員;在汪脫離重慶國府後,陳璧君扮演著傳遞汪的意旨,維繫派系團結的角色。陳璧君在汪的政治事業裡,是或隱於幕後、或居於幕前的一個重要支柱。
隨著中國政治的內憂外患與變局,陳、汪的政治前途也隨之開高走低,八年抗戰結束後,汪雖已逝,但他被認定是第一大漢奸。陳璧君接受漢奸審判,也被定位為「第一女漢奸」至今。但陳璧君並不低頭,她在漢奸審判上為汪的和平運動辯護,也為自己在廣東政委時期的作為以及一生的政治生命辯護。惟自1946年審判結束後,她被判無期徒刑定讞,一直坐牢到1959年病逝於上海提籃橋獄中。她經歷國民黨的判罪到共產黨的改造,但她留下的資料裡,始終沒有對自己與汪的和平運動後悔過,因為她不能背叛汪的理想與自己的選擇。以民國政治人物言,汪的一生變化起伏,政治立場幾度搖擺,曾被奉為左派領袖,然後由左而右,徹底反共,反對蔣介石的聯共抗日。但陳璧君只有一種選擇,那就是認同汪、追隨汪、幫助汪實踐他的理想,一如革命時期。她一生都以革命志士自居,也視汪是革命伴侶,兩人始終從事革命志業,她們的愛情婚姻與政治事業緊密結合,形成不可分離的生命共同體。兩人的一生與民國政治的動蕩無法切割,也成為中國近代史上極具爭議,也蓋棺難定的歷史人物。 Chan Bijun and Wang Jingwei, this couple was very special one in the Chinese modern history. They made acquaintance of each other during the years of Sun Yat-sen’s anti-Manchu movement which was organized in the Chan’s home country, Penang Malayisa . She was fascinated by Wang’s speech in a meeting and fallen in love with him. She decided to follow him and adhered to the Chinese Alliance (Tongmenghui) installed in Japan. Being motivated, Bijun decided to join to Wang’s revolutionary action and to learn some more different skills. They went to Beijing to assassinate Qing’s prince regent, Zaifeng. This assassination attempt failed and Wang was sentenced to life imprisonment. After the Double Tenth Revolution 1911 succeeded, the Republic of China was founded. Wang was then released from the jail and married Bijun, with as much blessing as same for the new birth of the Republic China in 1912. After marriage, they went to France for studies. This simple and happy life was not long enough, the situation in China changed. Sun convened Wang to participate in the campaign for repelling Yuan’s government, which was later called as the Second Revolution, but failed. Since 1917, Dr. Sun re-called Wang to come back from France who re-engaged himself into the Chinese political activities and had never retreated from the political life until his death in Japan. Bijun decided to follow her husband again. In 1923, she went to overseas to raise donations from Overseas Chinese. She collected about three hundred thousand dollars which made possible the Kuomintang building its own army school in Huangpu. This contribution won her a reputation in favor of her access to one of the three appointed delegates in the first Kuomintang’s Congress. After the congress, she was one member in the Central Committee and Central Monitoring committee until her discharged from her membership of this political party, since she left Chongqing in order to support Wang’s “peaceful movement”. In her whole life, she was always by Wang’s side and executed the mission he confided. In Wang’s political carrier, she constantly occupied a special position: sometimes, she was an executive; sometimes Wang’s alter ego.
The Anti-Japanese War exploded in 1937, Being in opposite line of Chiang’s government, Bijun and Wang pursued the “peaceful movement” with regard to Japan. They set up another Chinese government in Nanjing under the support of Japan. As the war ended eight years later, she was accused as renegade and received a life sentence in 1946. She passed away in the Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison in 1959. She never confessed due to her political option; moreover she openly defended for Wang’s cause as well as her political role in the administration of Guangdong. Her consistency differed from the one of her husband. Wang was constantly fickle in his political position between the left and the right. Once he was considered as the leader of the Left-wing in the Kuomintang. Then he opposed to Chiang’s policy in unifying the Chinese Communists against the Japanese invasion during the Sino-Japanese War. But Chan Bijun had only one option that was to follow her husband no matter his position. All she wished was to assist Wang in realizing his political ideal with which she identified. Wang was not only her husband, but also her revolutionary partner. Their marriage closely attached to their political carrier. Their tight union in every aspect was transformed into a symbiosis and constituted, in the modern Chinese history, a remarkable significance, but not less controversy, which was too difficult to be properly judged by historians. |
Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 歷史學系 98153503 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098153503 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.Hist.013.2018.A04 |
Appears in Collections: | [歷史學系] 學位論文
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