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    Title: 從學習者角度探討跨領域線上自學時的心態議題:以MOOCs學習網頁前端設計為例
    An action of research on the issues of online self-learning that crosses disciplines : using MOOCs courses to learn front end web development
    Authors: 黎映君
    Li, Ying-Chun
    Contributors: 林玲遠

    Lin, Ling-Yuan
    li, Tsai-Yen

    Li, Ying-Chun
    Keywords: 線上課程
    Action research
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 16:01:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位時代的來臨,轉變了傳統的學習方式,也增添各種取得便利、豐富且優質的線上學習資源,因此有越來越多人利用線上課程,作為學習新知、自我成長的能力養成,亦或轉職前的其他領域專長培養。然而,即使課程已是由專業團隊精心設計,但學習情況仍有高註冊率、低完成率的問題。
    The advent of the digital era has transformed the traditional ways of learning and added a variety of convenient, rich and high-quality online learning resources. As a result, more and more people are using online courses as a way to gain knowledge and skills for self-growth, or for development of expertise in new areas. However, even if the course has been carefully designed by a professional team, there is still a problem of low completion rate.
    In view of this, this research uses action research method to explore the experience of web-design learning through online courses, and find that at different stages of the learning process, the learner`s past learning experience and life habits would produce various mentality problems, which would affect the learning outcome. In response to the mentality problems faced at each stage, the researcher proposes corresponding strategies for better learning experience. By means of moderately adapting to their inner desires, cross-discipline self-learners would overcome various mental barriers during learning process.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1044620061
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.DCT.009.2018.B02
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