Abstract: | 祭祀祖先在中華文化的傳承中,歷經數千年而延續不斷,此一優良傳統即追念祖先以盡孝道,這種行為表現了「慎終追遠」的精神。一貫道道場乃以儒家思想為核心,本著「真儒復興」的入世精神,故以「禮」教化以期啟發其本性的良知良能。即本著『養生喪死無憾』的禮義,期使有心修行辦道者皆能安心,從而致力推動各項生命禮儀。在此即以寶光崇正道場為例,調查並證明其歷經近十數年來的努力,如何落實各項生命禮儀使之漸趨完備,終能臻於生順死安、心無掛礙的宗教目標。 本論文《一貫道祭祖禮儀之研究》乃翔實記錄其祭祖禮儀,並探討其淵源、意義及目的,主要針對儀式參與者、場地結構、儀軌流程及其象徵意涵等,探究每年舉辦祭典的內涵及精神。故以文獻資料配合田野調查,既實地加以觀察記錄,設計問卷廣泛搜集意見;並訪談資深點傳師及工作人員。其關注重點凡四:一、探討舉辦的緣由、發展之契機。二、論述禮儀的特色及其意義。三、根據觀察紀錄論述儀式所傳達的精神,並對社會產生什麼影響。四、確定此一活動對外展現文化素養及道場凝聚力,對內則能傳達慎終追遠的孝道理念,藉此緬懷前輩的德澤,並加深道親修辦的信心及向心力。 Ancestor worship is a distinguished tradition that has been passed down by the Chinese for thousands of years. It is an act of filial piety and a way for the Chinese to pay their respects to their ancestors. I-Kuan Tao follows the Confucian orthodoxy with the ambition to revive true Confucianism, enlighten all beings using li (禮), which encompasses all of the norms of proper social behavior, and bring out their inherent benevolence. They hold the belief that stable lives and proper burials will mean no regrets, hope that all who believe can practice in peace, and are devoted to promoting various life rituals. The Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch, for example, has been actively implementing various life rituals for more than a decade with the additional objective to allow their adherents to live and die in peace with no concerns. This study examined the ancestor worship rituals practiced at the Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch to do a full documentation and discussion of the ancestor worship rituals used by I-Kuan Tao. This study investigated the connotations and spirit of worship ceremony that the Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch holds every year based on origin, meaning, and purpose of ancestor worship, ritual participants, the structure of the ritual venue, the ritual procedures, and their symbolic meanings. This study involved literature analysis aided by field investigation. We observed and recorded the worship ceremony and designed a questionnaire to conduct a widespread survey of participant opinions. We also held in-depth interviews with senior masters and personnel responsible for various rituals to achieve the following objectives: 1. understand the origins of the worship ceremony at the Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch, 2. examine the ancestor worship rituals at the Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch and analyze their features and meaning, 3. perform a complete observation and documentation of the ancestor worship rituals at the Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch and discuss the spirit that they wish to convey and their influence on society, and finally, 4. use the ancestor worship event to display the cultural literacy and cohesion of Tao society to the outside world, promote the ideal of filial piety and paying respects to ancestors to Tao society, remember the kindness and charity given by elders, and strengthen the confidence and solidarity of adherents to practice. |