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    Title: 付費教育內容平台產品特性對消費者持續使用意向的影響
    The impact of product features on educational content paid platforms to consumers` continued usage intentions
    Authors: 陳菡
    Chen, Han
    Contributors: 黃思明
    Hwang, Syming
    Chen, Han
    Keywords: 付費教育內容平台
    Educational content Paid Platform
    Content quality
    Production degree
    Consumers` continued Usage Intentions
    Learning style
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 15:46:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要探討在互聯網引入價格和經濟回報機制之後,有哪些因素會進壹步提高消費者對內容產品和平台的價值認知,從而影響對平台的持續使用意向。基於抉策支持系統理論、資訊系統成功模型理論和泛在學習理論,來探討消費者對於付費的內容平台之持續使用的意向有哪些影響因素。又考慮到本研究希望能夠幫助企業平台端解決知識內容產品化過程中的壹些實務問題,比如,能夠促進消費者付費的內容產品應該具備哪些特性,產品化的技術支援應該具備哪些特性,不同學習風格的消費者是否都能夠接受如上特性。因此,確定本研究的四個研究構念,分別為內容質量、產品化程度、學習風格以及消費者持續使用意向。

    This study mainly discusses what factors will further enhance consumers` value cognition of content products and platforms, thus affecting their intention to use the platform continuously, after the introduction of price and economic return mechanism into the Internet. Based on the theory of decision support system, the theory of information system success model and the theory of ubiquitous learning, this study discusses the influence factors of consumers` intention to keep using the paid content platform. And considering that this study is hoped to help the enterprise platform to solve some practical problems in the process of producing knowledge content, for example, the characteristics of content products that can promote consumer payment, what features should be available for the technical support of production, and whether consumers with different learning styles can accept such features. Therefore, the four research constructs of this study are decided, they are content quality, production degree, learning style and consumer`s intention to continue to use.

    In the study, the consumers who had used 10 of the most representative paid platforms with education content in the mainland China were investigated by online questionnaire, 403 questionnaires were collected and analyzed statistically. The result of the questionnaire shows that the quality of content and the degree of production, as well as the product characteristics of the platform, have a positive impact on consumers` willingness to continue to use the platform. In the further study, it is found that the visual consumers in the learning style of consumers also show positive effects on the above mentioned, which has the regulating effect of strengthening the relationship. This study confirms that if the paid platform with education content has high content quality and high production level, the platform can provide products with effective content to the consumers efficiently, thus promoting the consumers to maintain their intention to use the platform. At the same time, it is also confirmed the importance of the future marketing about this kind of paid platform with educational content by visual consumers of learning style. The result of this study can help the paid platform with educational content to clearly define itself and the types of the product in the content market, and realize the sustainable development and operation of the enterprises with the platform. And the systematic research in this field is formed in a pioneering way, contributing to the lack of academic research in this field.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043555131
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.BA.005.2018.F08
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