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    Title: 文化創意快閃店之商業模式 : 以KAMARO’AN、針線勤與沙伯迪澳為例
    A Research on the Business Model of Cultural and Creative Pop-up stores: A Case Study of KAMARO’AN, Pins & Needles and SOBDEALL
    Authors: 謝宜臻
    Hsieh, Yi-Chen
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Hsieh, Yi-Chen
    Keywords: 文化創意產業
    華山1914 文化創意產業園區
    Cultural and creative industry
    Pop-up stores
    Business model
    Huashan 1914 creative park
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-29 16:03:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,台灣逐漸興起開「快閃店」的風氣,除了大型品牌會開設快閃店之外,也開始有新品牌、小品牌透過快閃店的形式推廣,其中,在華山1914文化創意園區舉辦快閃店是其中一個案例。自2014年開始,華山文創園區以「快閃店」的形式邀請文創團隊進駐,帶動國內「文創快閃店」的風氣,讓文創團隊除了短期的市集、長期的常駐形式之外多了「快閃」的選擇。
    本研究採用Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010)的商業模式作為研究架構,並以質性個案的訪談方式研究個案店家。本研究得到的結論包括:(1)文創快閃店的經營者會運用自身的「知識與專業」去彌補產業的缺口,並且以此做為產品「生產」以及「設計」的創新推動力;(2)文創快閃店會透過舉辦講座、工作坊等活動「發掘潛在顧客」,在設計產品的階段會重視與「顧客的溝通」,並且藉著推出限定商品的方法吸引「顧客消費」;(3)文創快閃店的經營形式會包含「店面」與「展覽」的性質,並且重視店內產品擺設的方式是否能夠傳遞品牌的理念;(4)文化創意以及快閃店的產業特性會反映在文創快閃店「產品設計」的創新以及「工作坊、手作課程」等體驗活動的規劃,並且以「快閃店」的形式做為拓展品牌知名度以及了解市場的方法。
    These days, not only big brands but also small brands have started to use the form “Pop-up Stores” to promote their brands in Taiwan. Huashan 1914 Creative Park is one of the example. Since 2014, Huashan Creative Park has invited cultural and creative teams to join as pop-up stores. This gives the cultural and creative teams another option apart from short-term rental “markets” and long-term rental “stores”.
    This study seeks to answer reasons why cultural and creative teams operate as “pop-up stores”, understand their business philosophy, and explore the business model. Besides, this study aims to find out how and why the characteristics of cultural and creative industry and pop-up store affect business model.
    This research uses Osterwalder & Pigneur’s business model (2010) as framework, and adopts a qualitative approach, in the form of case studies of three cultural and creative teams. The findings are: (1) The owners of the Cultural and Creative Pop-up Stores utilize their professional backgrounds to fill the industry gaps, and innovate product production and design. (2) Cultural and Creative Pop-up Stores hold lectures and workshops to discover potential customers, and value customer communications during product design. In the end, they utilize the temporary nature of pop-up stores to urge consumption. (3) The operation of Cultural and Creative Pop-up Stores often includes the characteristics of “store” and “exhibition”, and the owners concern whether store arrangement can convey brand value. (4) The characteristics of cultural and creative industry and pop-up stores affect owners to innovate product design and organize workshops to enhance experiential experiences, also, the owners activate pop-up stores to test the market and gain market intelligence.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364113
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.022.2018.F08
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