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    Title: 以社會資源保存理論探討師徒功能和情緒勞務與工作表現之關係 : 情緒智商的調節效果
    A Conservation of Social Resources Theory Perspective in the Relationship between Mentoring Functions, Emotional Labor and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence
    Authors: 吳靜宜
    Wu, Ching-Yi
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Hu, Chang-Ya
    Wu, Ching-Yi
    Keywords: 社會資源保存理論
    Conservation of social resources theory
    Mentoring functions
    Emotional intelligence
    Emotional labor
    Job performance
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-27 15:14:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以社會資源保存理論 (Conservation of Social Resources Theory) 之觀點,探討師徒功能(社會資源)與員工情緒勞務表層演出與深層演出之關係,以及情緒智商(個人資源)對前述關係的調節效果。並探討兩種情緒勞務表現方式與工作表現之關係。透過問卷調查法,以台灣地區房仲業者的第一線業務員為研究對象,共獲得177套有效樣本資料。根據階層迴歸分析結果顯示,〈一〉師徒功能與表層情緒勞務呈顯著負相關,〈二〉師徒功能與深層情緒勞務呈顯著正相關。然而,〈三〉情緒智商會減弱前述正向關係,當員工的情緒智商越高,對師徒功能的依賴性會降低,使師徒功能與深層演出之正向關係趨緩。此外,〈四〉情緒勞務的表層演出與工作表現呈顯著負相關。本研究將針對研究結果與實務意涵進行探討,可供未來管理實務參考。
    Using the perspective of Conservation of Social Resources Theory as the theoretical foundation, this study examined the relationship between mentoring functions and emotional labor (surface-acting and deep-acting), as well as the moderating roles of emotional intelligence in the above relationships. Furthermore, the relationship between two types of emotional labor and job performance were also examined. Data were collected from 177 ongoing mentoring dyads through the survey method. Results of multiple hierarchical regression analyses indicated that mentoring functions negatively associated with surface-acting emotional labor but positively associated with deep-acting emotional labor. Emotional intelligence moderated the relationship between mentoring functions and deep-acting emotional labor such that the positive relationship was stronger in low mentoring functions condition. Furthermore, surface-acting emotional labor negatively associated with job performance. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053630281
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.070.2018.F08
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