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Title: | 從著作權議題探討我國OTT 影視產業之發展 ──以侵權因應及內容授權為中心 Copyright Issues of the Development of Over-the-Top (OTT) Video Industry — with a Focus on Piracy Fighting and Content Licensing |
Authors: | 李昕 Lee, Hsin |
Contributors: | 鄭菀瓊 Cheng, Wan-Chiung 李昕 Lee, Hsin |
Keywords: | OTT 影視產業 著作權 網路盜版 內容授權商業模式 封網處分 強制授權 著作權集管團體 Over-the-Top video industry Copyright Internet piracy Business model of content licensing Site blocking Compulsory license Copyright collective management organization |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-27 15:09:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網路科技發展帶動了串流產業的興起,網路成為影視收看管道新選擇,形成新興的「OTT(Over the Top)影視產業」。我國自近兩年的發展以來,主要面臨「盜版內容猖獗」以及「本土業者服務內容競爭力不足」兩項挑戰,本文擬從著作權的侵權因應與內容授權,探討我國著作權法制如何因應產業困境。在侵權因應手段,本文認為在封網處分仍須更多配套措施之餘,可先規範機上盒業者,並輔以斷絕盜版業者金流的措施。
本文在質性訪談中發現,OTT 業者雖難以透過一己之力解決盜版問題,但已在管理上針對網路特性而彈性調整其授權策略。在內容授權措施,本文在探討法定授權、強制授權與著作權集體管理制度後,認為法定授權與強制授權恐導致弊多於利的結果,不宜作為鼓勵授權的機制,但認為業者可將已過檔期的節目交由集管團體代管,一方面提升著作利用效率,也間接達成侵權因應效果。在上架策略的考量上,亦可透過網路平台的表現計算授權金額,而非以時間差來避免首播利益遭到瓜分。 As the development of the Internet contributes to the rise of streaming industry, more people choose to watch program via the Internet, which forms a new industry “Over-the-Top (OTT) video industry”. Within these two years, the challenges players of Taiwan market in this industry has been faced with are online piracy and the local players’ lack of competitiveness. From the perspective of copyright, piracy fighting and content licensing would be the focus, to examine how we can fix these problems. As for piracy fighting, other countries use “site blocking” and “cut the monetary resources of infringing websites” as solution. However, more detail is needed for Taiwan to enact “site blocking” policy, but we can first focus on regulating piracy set-top box seller and leveraging “cut the monetary resources of infringing websites.”
After interviewing with people in OTT industry, I found that although it is hard for them to solve piracy problems on their own, they have adopted flexible practices to deal with licensing. In this paper, I have discussed whether statutory licensing, compulsory licensing and copyright collective management organization suitable ways to encourage licensing. I concluded that statutory licensing and compulsory licensing are not proper ways, but copyright collective management organization can be used to enhance the efficiency of licensing and to fight piracy indirectly, especially for content out of TV or theaters. In addition, I also suggest to adjust the way of calculating royalty. Instead of delaying the time to be available on OTT platforms, content providers can calculate the amount of royalty based on the performance of OTT platforms. |
Reference: | 一、中文文獻
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 105364214 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364214 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.019.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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