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Title: | 初探布袋戲戲迷與非戲迷之觀賞決策過程:以東離劍遊紀為例 An Exploratory Research on the Decision Making Process in Palmar Drama Fans and Non-fans: Case Study of Thunderbolt Fantasy |
Authors: | 吳承恩 Wu, Cheng-En |
Contributors: | 張瑜倩 吳承恩 Wu, Cheng-En |
Keywords: | 布袋戲 霹靂布袋戲 迷 消費者決策 顧客旅程 Puppet art Palmar drama Pili Fan Consumer decision making Customer journey |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-27 15:07:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2016年霹靂布袋戲和日本合作,由日本負責編劇和角色設計,霹靂負責製偶、拍攝及後製,推出第一部以布袋戲為主題的番劇—《東離劍遊紀》,造成轟動。日本第一大動漫視頻網站niconico動畫將《東離劍遊紀》評為2016夏番評分排名第一,由此可看出霹靂這次與日本的合作吸引到不少觀眾的注意和目光。儘管《東離劍遊紀》出現前所未有的成功,讓許多非布袋戲迷的觀眾,願意花時間一睹布袋戲之風采;然而,霹靂本身的劇集,因其劇情架構龐大,讓新觀眾因難以入戲而不繼續觀看,年輕人也認為傳統表演並非流行或是聽不懂台語,而將布袋戲拒於千里之外。
本研究發現不同類型的觀眾在觀賞決策過程和顧客旅程上展現出不同的行為,觀眾也深受其過往觀影經驗影響,由不同角度切入及觀賞《東離劍遊紀》。相對於目前霹靂所發行的正劇,《東離劍遊紀》這樣以短篇獨立劇集對於兩種類型的觀眾皆有其吸引力,緊湊的劇情推進及節奏安排,讓作品精彩且不會冷場。另外,非戲迷在觀看完《東離劍遊紀》後,雖提升了對布袋戲的興趣,但因平時觀看習慣以及霹靂的故事架構過於龐大,而無法增加其觀看布袋戲的意願。整體而言,霹靂布袋戲和日本合作製作的《東離劍遊紀》帶來許多好評,霹靂目前的劇集或許難以進行如此大的調整,但未來在新作品或是獨立劇集的製作上,仍可參考《東離劍遊紀》的製作模式,藉由跨產業合作來製作劇集,讓原有的戲迷產生新鮮感並吸引新的觀眾加入。 In 2016, Pili and one Japanese animation company produced ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy,’ which combines animation and traditional puppet arts. In this coolaboration project, the Japan company was responsible for scriptwriting and characters design while the Pili was in charge of puppet making, shooting, and post-production. Japan`s largest anime video website, niconico, ranked ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy’ the 1st place among all anime series produced in the summer of 2016. Although this project was a great success for the Pili and has attracted many non-audiences to watch the puppet show; however, in Pili’s own series, it is difficult to attract new audiences due to the huge and complex story structure. In addition, younger generation are often not willing to watch puppet arts because traditional art forms are recognized as old-fashioned and because they cannot fully understand the Taiwanese which is widely used in puppet arts.
This research aims to understand the decision making process and the customer journey between fans and non-fans, by using ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy’ as a case. Ten qualitative interviews with both ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy’ fans and non-fans were conducted in order to better understand the decision-making process and their customer journey.
This research finds out that different types of fans develop their unique decision-making process and customer journey respectively based on their viewing experience. Comparing with traditional Pili’s own series, ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy’ was much accepted by both types of audiences. The compact story and plot tempos arrangement made the work acceptable and exciting. Additionally, non-fans were more interested in puppet art after watching the ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy’. However, because of viewing habits and the huge story structure, non-fans were not willing to watch Pili’s traditional series. This collaboration project did bring praises and intrigue non-fans to be interested in the puppet art. This study suggest that it may be difficult for Pili to change the production form of its own series; nevertheless, Pili could follow the way of the ‘Thunderbolt Fantasy’ and engage in cross-industrial collaboration to attract both fans and new audiences. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 105364118 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364118 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.018.2018.F08 |
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