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    Title: 利用SLR及GPS觀測資料估計地心運動之研究
    The study of using SLR and GPS observation data to estimate geocenter motion
    Authors: 曾義傑
    Cheng, Yih-Jack
    Contributors: 甯方璽
    Ning, Fang-Shii
    Cheng, Yih-Jack
    Keywords: 地心運動
    Geocenter motion
    Global positioning system (GPS)
    Satellite laser ranging (SLR)
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-27 14:56:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 地心運動是地球質量的重新分佈和變形,而導致的固態地球形狀中心 (Center of Figure, CF)與地球質量中心(Center of Mass of the Earth System, CM)之間的偏移量。隨著空間大地測量之精度的提高和應用的要求,地心運動研究和估計之重要性與日俱增,因為它是以地球質量中心為原點的各式坐標系統的關鍵。目前地心運動皆以單一觀測技術(如SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging)或GPS(Global Positioning System))進行一階變形法或網形偏移法求解,本研究將結合SLR及GPS觀測資料,以網形偏移法進行研究,評估結合不同觀測方法數據是否可提升地心運動之求解精度。本研究使用2007年至2016年間國際GNSS服務(International GNSS Service, IGS)之GPS觀測資料及部分測站之SLR追蹤GRACE-A(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-A)衛星觀測資料,以GAMIT/GLOBK和Bernese軟體進行地球表面觀測站坐標計算,再應用Helmert坐標轉換求取地心運動量,並利用含有線性項和球諧項之函數進行資料擬合,最後探討地心運動模型之精度。由研究成果顯示2007年至2016年間地心運動於X,Y和Z分量之振幅分別為2.6mm±0.2mm,4.1mm±0.2mm和5.6mm±0.3mm。其年相位於X,Y和Z分量分別為72°,330°和145°,與目前僅用一種觀測技術求解之精度比較有顯著性之提升。
    Geocenter motion describes the difference of Center of Figure (CF) respect to Center of Mass of the Earth system (CM) due to the mass re-distribution and deformation of the Earth system. This is a factor that cannot be ignored in the maintenance of the high-precision terrestrial reference frame. As precision requirements and application demands in space geodesy increase, research on estimation of the geocenter motion become increasingly important as the key point to realize a reference frame with its origin fixed to center of mass of the Earth system.
    In this study, GPS (Global Positioning System) observation data from IGS (International GNSS Service) and SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging) tracking data in the period of 2007 to 2016 are applied to estimate the coordinates of IGS sites on Earth’s surface by using the GAMIT/GLOBK and Bernese software. Then, the Helmert transformation model is used to acquire seven parameters between the ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) reference frame and the CM reference frame. There are three parameters of them are related to the shift in three axes, which are the results of the geocenter motion. Afterwards, the geocenter motion time series are applied with linear fitting method in order to obtain the amplitudes and phases along three axes of geocenter motion.
    The annual amplitude of X-, Y-, and Z-components between the years 2007 and 2016 are 2.6±0.2mm, 4.1±0.2mm, and 5.6±0.3mm respectively. The annual phase of X-, Y-, and Z-components are 72°, 330°, and 145° respectively. The accuracy of this study is significant improvement comparing to just using GPS or SLR technique only.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105257033
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LE.017.2018.A05
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