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Title: | 社會創新之個案研究:以甘樂文創為主體的社區支持系統為例 A Case Study of Social Innovation on The CAN’s Community Support System |
Authors: | 許祥恩 Hsu, Hsiang-En |
Contributors: | 林月雲 Lin, Yeh-Yun 許祥恩 Hsu, Hsiang-En |
Keywords: | 社會問題 社會需求 社會創新 轉型流程 Social problems Social needs Social innovation Transformation processes |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-13 12:37:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,在經濟、文化、國際關係環境的快速變化下,在世界各地產生多樣化社會問題與需求尚待解決,也因而政府機關、企業、社會企業與非營利組織等機構皆透過不同的手段去促進「社會創新」,期待透過創新的思維與作法有效地創造價值,並解決社會問題。
本研究以個案研究為主,並採用Lin & Chen(2016)提出使用Miles and Huberman(1994)提出之七步驟轉型流程、Tanimoto(2010)提出之六大社會創新標準以及Lin(2015)提出之蜂蜜-珍珠兩階段機轉模型等三項理論模型用以社會創新分析,深入探討個案的社會創新歷程、效益與永續發展性,並檢驗、確認其是否具備真正社會創新之意涵,而非僅流於流行的趨勢。
1. 與各利害關係人建立良好之信任與合作關係,強化累積社會資本,妥善
2. 社會創新所提出之解決方案或模式,須以「受益者」角度出發,並涵蓋
3. 領導者須隨時掌握組織動態能力,契合各階段的社會需求與管理重點
4. 社會創新應持之以恆,持續發展穩健且互補之組織系統與營運模式 Recently, under the rapid changes of the environment in economy, culture, and international relations aspects, diversified social problems and needs have yet to be solved in the world. As a result, governments, enterprises, social enterprises, and non-profit organizations have adopted different ways to activate "Social Innovation" and looked forward to solving these problems effectively by values creating through innovative thinking and practices.
The case study method is applied for this study. The study focuses on the transformation processes, operation model, innovation practices and social value created of The CAN’s Community Support System. Thus, this study mainly adopted Lin & Chen (2016) ’s method of social innovation analysis. Lin & Chen (2016) proposed to use the 7 transformation processes proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994), the six criteria of social innovation proposed by Tanimoto (2010), and the LERP-PEARL model proposed by Lin (2015) as models for social innovation analysis. These models not only explore the social innovation processes, values, and sustainability of the case, but also examine whether the case has the implication of social innovation.
Several conclusions of this study for the causes of effective social innovation are summarized as follows:
1. The organization should establish good relationships of trust and cooperation with stakeholders for accumulating the social capital and properly utilize resources within the network.
2. The solutions or models of social innovation should also consider the perspective of “beneficiaries”. The scope of the models should be able to cover “beneficiaries”
3. The leader should grasp the evolution and growth of the organization, adjust the focus of business operations and develop innovative businesses to meet the community needs and management priorities at all stages.
4. The organization should consider social innovation as a long-term and persistent development. Social impact should be exerted through an organized system and business model. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363018 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.061.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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