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    Title: 心理師於治療中遭受兒童案主攻擊之經驗歷程
    The Experience of Psychologists Encountering Aggression from Child Clients during Therapies
    Authors: 游千雅
    Yu, Chian-Ya
    Contributors: 傅如馨
    Fu, Ju-Hsin
    Yu, Chian-Ya
    Keywords: 心理師
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-10 11:09:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究旨在了解心理師在治療中遭受兒童案主攻擊的經驗與歷程,研究目的包括:(一)心理師在遭受兒童案主攻擊的經驗歷程與心理衝擊之探究。(二)案主攻擊發生後,心理師於後續治療中的歷程轉化。以立意取樣邀請兩位曾經驗兒童案主攻擊的心理師擔任受訪者,以半結構式的深入訪談方式進行,接續以質性研究中的主題分析法進行資料的歸納與分析,並主要採以動力取向與客體關係理論進行研究結果的討論。
    This paper studies the experiences of psychotherapists, who have been attacked by their child client in therapy. Two psychotherapists, attacked by child client, are invited to conduct semi-structured purposively sampled interviews. Thematic analysis was used to data interpretation and data analysis. Furthermore, the psychodynamic approach and object relations theory are used for results discussion.
    The results of this study was listed as follows. (1) The psychotherapists, attacked by child client, are in distress involving a range of emotional experience in therapy and difficulties of intervention. (2) In the subsequent therapy process, the psychotherapists have experienced both at the transitions of emotionally impacted intervention and at the limitation for maintaining intervention. In addition, the progress experiences between psychotherapists and clients in the subsequent therapies.
    The discussions of this study are as follows: (1) According to the interviews and texts, the author summarizes both the emotional experiences while psychotherapists are attacked by child clients and the difficulties of intervention while psychotherapists are suffered by the experiences. Finally, the extended topics, rage countertransference and power countertransference, are discussed. (2) According to object-relational stages of therapy, the relationships between the experiences of child clients attack and therapy development. Subsequently, the four stages- initial stage, exploratory stage, working stage, transition stage- are purposed and discussed about their specials.
    Therefore, according to the results, discussions and research restriction, this study addresses some suggestions for both researchers and psychotherapists who were attacked by child clients first time in counseling practice.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1031720053
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MPCG.008.2018.F01
    Appears in Collections:[MA Program of Counseling and Guidance] Theses

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