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Title: | 挑戰現今Instagram上對於女性「美」的再現:以肉感女藝人為例 Challenging the Representation of Women’s Beauty on Instagram: Plus-size Micro-celebrities in Panama and Taiwan |
Authors: | 宮昀妮 Cubilla, Winibeer Jhineth Gonzalez |
Contributors: | 蕭宏祺 Shiao, Hong-Chi 宮昀妮 Winibeer Jhineth Gonzalez Cubilla |
Keywords: | Plus-size Micro-celebrity Body acceptance Instagram Digital media Social media Panamanian Taiwanese Women Beauty Culture Canons of beauty Body Fat |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-10 10:48:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | The digital communication and the fast growing of social networks, such as Instagram, facilitate new models of interaction and ways individuals use to of build relations. In this new environment the term micro-celebrity defines those people that are increasing their popularity over the web using different types of technologies.
This paper first tries to understand how plus-size Panamanian and Taiwanese micro-celebrities self-present on Instagram as a platform considered rich on prejudices and stereotypes surrounding the body positivity communities; and how do they gain fame through online multimedia and textual representations. Second, elaborate and note the differences and similarities between their Instagram accounts. This exploratory research takes a qualitative approach using Nethnography as unique method for social media (Instagram) analysis and three research questions are proposed to give guidance and to better explore the self-presentation plus-size micro-celebrities have on Instagram: RQ1. How do Panamanian and Taiwanese plus-size micro-celebrities (women) self-present on Instagram? RQ2. What are the most popular hashtags Panamanian and Taiwanese plus-size micro-celebrities (women) use on their Instagram posts? and RQ3. What are the similarities or differences between the content shared by Panamanian and Taiwanese plus-size micro-celebrities (women)?
The netnography themed all kind of multimedia shared on the Instagram accounts and showed that there were more similarities than differences between the content portrayed among Taiwanese and Panamanian and there were 7 major themes within their profiles, glam posts, natural body, commercial and promotion, beautification, body acceptance labeled posts, fatness and transgressions, semi-nudity and sexualizations. |
Reference: | References
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) 105461022 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105461022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMICS.010.2018.F05 |
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