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Title: | 提高薪資所得特別扣除額對所得稅有效稅率的影響 The Influence of Changes in Special Deduction of Income from Salaries/Wages on the Effective Income Tax Rate in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林沛慈 Lin, Pei-Tzu |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 Huang, Jr-Tsung 林沛慈 Lin, Pei-Tzu |
Keywords: | 薪資所得特別扣除額 綜合所得稅 扣除額 有效稅率 國稅局 Special deduction of income from salaries and wages Individual income tax Deduction Effective tax rate National taxation bureau |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-07 17:23:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 薪資所得特別扣除額每年會視消費者物價指數上漲程度而調整,該扣除金額為定額扣除,與相同勞務性質卻又可列舉成本費用的執行業務所得類似,極為相似的所得,計算方式卻截然不同,此兩類所得的區分常令人混淆不清,其公平正義性也是許多學者專家常探討研究的。薪資所得特別扣除額之美意在於符合華格納(Wagner)主張的所得稅課稅原則,即減少薪資所得者的租稅負擔,輕課勞務所得而重課資本所得。然該提高扣除的金額,往往跟不上基本生活費的增加,破壞了政府的美意,也發揮不了政策的效能。又大法官釋字第745號解釋令中載明,薪資所得不允許實額減除成本費用違憲,這才讓立法機關重視到薪資所得與執行業務所得課徵應一致性的問題,也才彰顯一昧的提高薪資所得扣除額並無法真正減輕租稅負擔。 本研究以財政部臺北國稅局2006年至2015年間薪資特別扣除額調整後的額度及我國20個縣市(排除金門縣及連江縣)的有效稅率相關資料,運用追蹤資料分析(Panel Data)執行線性迴歸量化研究,加入各種相關變數探討,例如經濟成長率、勞動參與率、年齡、教育程度……等等,欲找出其他影響有效稅率的因素,也欲說明定額提高薪資特別扣除額對有效稅率影響甚小。研究結果顯示,單純提高薪資特別扣除額,在2006年至2015年對民眾的有效稅率租稅負擔並無顯著影響,而總扣除額(不論使用標準扣除額或列舉扣除額)的增加才能真正影響到有效稅率。 The special deduction of income from salaries and wages, which is adjusted annually based on the extent of the increase in the Consumer Price Index, is a fixed deduction very similar to the income from professional practice which boosts the same nature and itemizes the cost expense, but these two disparate types of income vary in terms of calculation method. The difference between these two types of income is often confusing, and their fairness and justice are frequently discussed and studied by many scholars and experts. The intention of the special deduction of income from salaries and wages is to comply with the principle of income tax advocated by Wagner, that is, to reduce the tax burden on salary and wage earners and raise the tax burden on capital gains instead of labor income. However, the increased deduction usually fails to keep pace with the increase in the basic living expenses, thus undermining the intention of the government and lowering the efficiency of policy. The interpretation order No. 745 of Grand Justice Interpretation also states the fact that income tax fails to allow for real deduction of cost is unconstitutional, making the legislature draw great attention to the consistency of income from salaries and wages with the income from professional practice, and demonstrating the failure of increased deduction of income from salaries and wages to reduce the tax burden in real sense. This study, based on the amount of special deduction of income from salaries and wages adjusted by National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, Ministry of Finance from 2006 to 2015, and the related data on the effective tax rates of 20 counties and cities in Taiwan (excluding Jinmen and Lianjiang counties), adopts Panel Data to carry out linear regression quantitative analysis, adds various related variables, such as economic growth rate, labor force participation rate, age, education level, and others, in order to identify other factors affecting the effective tax rate, and show that the increase of fixed amount of special deduction of income from the salaries and wages exerts little effect over the effective tax rate. The results of study indicate that simply raising the amount of the special deduction of income from salaries and wages has no significant impact on the effective tax rate and tax burden of the population during the period from 2006 to 2015, and only an increase in total deductions (whether using standard deduction or itemized deduction) would really affect the effective tax rate. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921031 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MEPA.035.2018.F09 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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