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    Title: 中國海洋戰略發展與「21世紀海上絲綢之路」倡議之研究
    Research on China`s Ocean Strategy Development and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" Initiative
    Authors: 陳綺映
    Chen, Chi-Ying
    Contributors: 郭武平
    Chen, Chi-Ying
    Keywords: 海權
    Ocean strategy
    21st century maritime silk road
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-06 18:23:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國東南方雖擁有良好瀕海條件與漫長海岸線,但就地理位置而言,除了麻六甲海峽,中國距離荷姆茲海峽、亞丁灣、巴拿馬運河及蘇伊士運河等海上交通樞紐仍太過遙遠,儘管中國的綜合國力已較過去顯著提高許多,然面對走向世界的過程中,利益衝突也將接踵而至,倘要維護自身生存與發展的同時又必須能展現自己的大國責任,中國就必須開始思考,擁有屬於自己的海洋戰略。
    21世紀裡,新的地緣政治觀念從傳統的領土控制移轉到勢力控制,革新了舊地緣政治的概念。除了地理位置的佔有和控制,國家領土面積的大小、位置、資源和實力都是衡量其地位和力量的主要標準。作為新興的海權國家,中國現階段顯然尚無法單獨以武力承擔挑戰霸權體系的巨大風險。面對新的局勢變化,以經濟發展崛起的中國提出「一帶一路」作為首個全球戰略,彷彿就像是中國版的「馬歇爾計畫」,有一部分原因是中國在西太平洋戰略壓力上升情況下,企圖透過經濟合作擴大外交影響力,在當前美國與歐洲政治前景高度不確定的情勢下,此一以鐵路、公路、港口等基礎建設為前導的計畫,將帶給沿線各國及區域所冀望的經濟榮景,進而極大地增強中國在地緣關係上的軟實力。在「21 世紀海上絲綢之路」推行的過程之中,通過亞投行、絲路基金及與其他國家簽訂貿易協定等經濟工具,中國將貿易與投資作為其發展海洋戰略的主要方式,同時兼顧了為陸海兼顧的國家,捍衛海洋主權與商業利益的需求,亦可有序地推動海、空軍等海上力量的發展。除了可有效保障中國的海洋權益,對潛在威脅對象起到有效威懾作用,又能展現一種睦鄰友好、促進共同發展的正面形象。
    「21 世紀海上絲綢之路」的發展,反映的是中國總體戰略順應時代的潮流,由傳統陸權國家轉向陸海並重的調整,是時代下中國於海洋戰略佈局的一種路徑選擇和構想,達到「建設海洋強國」目標的戰略手段。
    Although southeastern China has the good bordered on the sea conditions and a long coastline, geographically speaking, apart from the Strait of Malacca, China is still far away from maritime transport hubs such as the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Aden, the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal. China’s overall national strength has been significantly higher than it has been in the past. However, in the process of moving toward the world, conflicts of interest will follow. If it is necessary to maintain its own survival and development while demonstrating its responsibility as a great power, China must begin to consider to have their own marine strategy.
    In the 21st century, the new geopolitical concept was reformed from traditional territorial control to power control. In addition to geographical possession and control, the size, location, resources and strength of the country’s territory are the primary standard for measuring the status and strength. As an emerging sea-rights nation, China evidently is impossible to assume the great risks of challenging hegemonic systems by force at this stage. China, has raised from the economic development, has proposed “Belt and Road” as the first global strategy in the change of the new situation that has seemed like the “Marshall Plan” in Chinese version. This is partly due to that China’s strategic pressure in the Western Pacific has increased, which in the attempt to expand diplomatic influence with economic cooperation. Under the current situation which the political prospects of the United States and Europe are highly uncertain, this project, which is based on infrastructure projects such as railways, highways, and ports, will bring hope to the countries and regions along the route. The economic prosperity of the country will greatly enhance China’s soft power in the geopolitical relationship.
    In the process of the implementation of the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, through the investment tools such as the Asian Investment Bank, Silk Road Fund, and trade agreements with other countries, China has made trade and investment the main method for developing its marine strategy, which taking into account both of the require to defend the maritime sovereignty and commercial interests of the countries with both land and sea needs that also promote the development of maritime forces such as the sea and the air force in an orderly manner. Not only to effectively safeguarding China’s maritime rights and interests, which plays an effective deterrent role for potential threats, but it can also display a positive image of good neighborliness and friendship and common development. The development of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" reflects that China`s overall strategy has adapted to the trend of the times and has shifted from a traditional land-righting into a land-seas in equal emphasis country. This is a path choice and concept for China`s strategic layout of the ocean under the times, which is the strategic means to get the goal of building strong ocean nation.
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.NSMCS.008.2018.F11
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