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    Title: 大學圖書館內部服務品質因素與館員工作滿意度之研究
    Study on Internal Service Quality Components and Librarians’Job Satisfaction for University Libraries
    Authors: 林彥維
    Lin, Yen-Wei
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Lin, Yen-Wei
    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    Internal service quality
    Job satisfaction
    University library
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-06 18:11:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 內部服務品質的相關研究認為提升內部服務,能讓員工對工作感到滿意,並有能力提供更好的服務給顧客,進而提升顧客滿意度。內部服務品質常見的定義與評鑑方式可分為(1)只評鑑對內部服務的滿意度、(2)評鑑員工對內部服務的實際感受與重視程度之落差。至今已應用於多種領域,提供管理者做為改善管理與提升內部乃至外部服務的參考。圖書館雖並非營利事業,但滿足讀者需求乃首要任務,在此脈絡下,提供館員必要的內部服務為一先決條件。然而在國內圖書館領域仍尚未有內部服務品質的相關研究。故本研究聚焦於建構一份內部服務品質評鑑量表,探討(1)內部服務品質具備的因素、(2)館員對內部服務認知與工作滿意度、圖書館服務品質之間的相關性、(3)影響館員對內部服務認知與工作滿意度的其他因素。
    Study of internal service quality (ISQ) said that promotion of internal service can raise employees’ job’s satisfaction and then increase their service capability. ISQ has been already used in a lot of fields to provide managers information to improve ISQ and SQ, except of in library. This study focused on constructing a scale of libraries’ ISQ and identified (1) library ISQ’s component. (2) The correlation between libraries’ IS, SQ and job’s satisfaction. (3) Other factors affect librarians’ feeling about ISQ and job’s satisfaction.
    This study used In-Depth Interviews and Questionnaire on university librarians from National Chen-Chi University library and National Taiwan Normal University library. This study collected the components and items about ISQ and librarians’ job satisfaction from the related literatures and chose eight components and twenty-nine items to be the draft of the scale. This scale used the way gathering librarians’ satisfaction and exception to calculate the gap that mean the ISQ. This study revised the scale after the interviews and the pre-test to twelve librarians from Chen-Chi university library and change the scale to composed of seven components and total thirty items. After gathering nighty-eight valid sample from the two university libraries, the scale was revised to be three components and twenty-nine items under the factor analysis. The three components were (1) Support and training, (2) Job’s meaning and responsibilities, (3) Administration and treatment.
    The study explored the following conclusions: (1) University librarians were generally satisfied with the overall satisfaction of working in the library (80.51); (2) University librarians attached importance to IS (4.18) the most , but were not satisfied (3.69), and the ISQ was not Excellent (-0.39); (3) Librarians attached the most importance and expectation to the jobs’ meaning and responsibility (4.22), dissatisfied(3.49) and unsatisfied (-0.63) with the supports and training the most,; (4) IS and librarians’ jobs’ satisfaction were related; compared with the satisfaction of salary and compensation, the satisfaction of internal service were more related to job satisfaction; (5) The external service of university library were related to internal service and job satisfaction; (6) The satisfaction and internal service cognition of university librarians can vary from person to person with the factors including school, marital status, education level, job origin, rank, job nature, and place of work.
    Based on the analysis results, this study puts forward the following four suggestions for improving the ISQ of university libraries: Uniting librarians and enhancing identification; Integrating the business and reallocate manpower to reduce personal burden; Improve treatment and talent retention; Improve equipment and training to face the new trend of the university library.
    Keywords: internal service quality; job satisfaction; university library; ISQ
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