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    Title: 古籍數位人文研究平台之史料人物關係圖工具發展與應用-以明代文集之人物為例
    Development and Application of Ancient Books Digital Humanities Research Platform with Characters’ Relationship Map - A Case Study of the Characters in the Ming Dynasty Ancient Books
    Authors: 張鐘
    Chang, Chung
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chin-Ming
    Chang, Chung
    Keywords: 數位人文
    Digital humanities
    Social network analysis
    Human–computer interaction
    Text mining
    Data visualization
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-06 18:11:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在開發支援數位人文研究之「古籍數位人文研究平台之史料人物關係圖」,能自動識別文本中的人名,同時提供易上手的即時互動介面,透過人機互動方式協助人文學者更有效率且正確的建立擬分析文本之人物社會關係,以探索複雜的人物社會網絡關係,找到有用的研究發現。本研究以實驗研究法比較有無使用本研究發展之「史料人物關係圖系統」在支援人文學者解讀文本中的人物與人物關係成效,以及科技接受度是否具有顯著差異,並輔以半結構式深度訪談了解人文學者對於本研究發展之「史料人物關係圖」的看法與感受,也使用滯後序列分析析受測者使用「史料人物關係圖」解讀人物與人物關係的行為歷程,以及解讀人物與人物成效及關係,與受測者使用「史料人物關係圖」系統的行為歷程之間是否具有顯著關聯性。
    This research aims to develop the Books Digital Humanities Research Platform with Characters’ Relationship Map, which is able to identify the characters from the ancient books automatically. It also provides the user-friendly interface and helps humanities scholars to interpret characters’ relationship more efficiently and accurately by way of Human-Computer Interaction. Humanities scholars can discover the characters’ complex social network through the Characters’ Relationship Map to obtain useful findings.
    With experimental method, the research compared the outcomes with and without the Characters’ Relationship Map assisting humanities scholars to interpret the character and the characters’ relationship in the ancient books, and if there were significant differences in technology acceptance. Via semi-structured in-depth interviews, the research acquired humanities scholars’ opinions and perception about the Characters’ Relationship Map. The research utilized lag sequence analysis to analyze users’ behavior processes and achievements of using Characters’ Relationship Map as well as investigating the correlations between users’ behavior processes and achievements.
    The experimental results show that the system with the Characters’ Relationship Map is higher than the system without the Characters’ Relationship Map in both the interpretation of the character and the interpretation of the characters’ relationship, but not significant. The technology acceptance analysis reveals that the system with the Characters’ Relationship Map has significantly better technology acceptance than the system without the Characters’ Relationship Map. There is significant correlation between the achievements of interpreting the character and the characters’ relationship, but no significant correlation among users’ behavior processes. According to the interviews, respondents gave positive comments on the integration and operational fluency of the system interface. Many respondents believed that the Characters’ Relationship Map could help them better understand the context of the characters in the overall text, but the accuracy of the identification of names still needs to be improved.
    In the future, we will use machine learning to establish name entity model for Ming Dynasty and also provide social network related measures to make the system more perfect so as to raise the benefits of assisting humanities scholars to interpret characters and characters’ relationship.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105155004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LIAS.009.2018.A01
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